I have always priced as High as I possibly can, and have built a good round this way. My round is very full now, but I still advertise and whenever I get a new job to price, I price it at a much higher rate than my existing work, as it has to be worth my while to take on new work, I still get many jobs at these higher prices, and if I don't get them then no problem! I generally have a minimum price of £25, but this is not written in stone, and I recently priced for a guy who had 2 very small skylights on his roof, he had called out other cleaners who had said that it wasn't a big enough job, or one who priced it at 3 quid, then never bothered to turn up! I said that I could do it of £10, the customer was delighted to get a regular cleaner, and I had a worthwhile little job!!