we dont get anywhere near that much, but i know some who say they have. Whether i believe it or not is another thing.
Good comment above tho, if you lie or boast about something, you know it yourself, whats the point? Wheres the self esteem or pride in that.
Cant see how that much can be earnt, but if he can, good for him! So long as we are all individually happy with what we do and how we provide for our families, then so be it. I wouldnt want people telling me im working for peanuts or should be putting my prices up on old peoples bungalows that we do at I feel is a fair price, and i guess likewise other people dont want me to critise them for ripping off people or charging alot, live and let live eh?
Each to their own, ive got enough to worry about without any sort of male anatomy measuring!!
Good luck to you all, i still think its a great place to learn new stuff and new ideas. And see where i am going wrong or can improve! So heres to CIU! and what other forums are out there