Been cleaning windows of a house for 12 months no probs always look spot on,custy never in when i do them.
I went to do them yesterday,done the fronts but gate was locked,car was there,nobody in!
Went by today gate was open and car was on the drive so finished the backs off,knock on the door no answer.
Put a card through and go home.
Phone rings whilst driving home,never answered it.
Got a voicemail from the woman saying i had put a card through,she had the money for me but not paying me unless i come back and dry the windows as i must have forgot.She had a right rant!
I was fuming!
Rang back kept getting her voicemail so i left a voicemail explaining why they were wet!
Not heard anything back but if she gets funny im gonna tell her to get a new windie cause im sick of these people,do they drive around with there eyes shut or what?