I've been in this business for 36 years and have learned an awful lot of things along the way. Some of the most important have been the things I learned on training courses. I have over the years changed my view on a lot of things, LM being one of them, micro splitters another and yes, some of my views have been born of ignorance to certain facts of which I was not fully aware because of that ignorance.
I would not have the business I have today, or my family the benefits they have enjoyed because of it had it not been for the training I did back in the beginning. I consider myself a professional carpet cleaner and professionals in any job spare no effort to try their utmost to be the best they can be in their chosen profession. Being the best is of course a journey and not a destination. With the benefits that have come to me through my efforts you would hardly expect me to not to recommend as ardently as I do in the need for training. Just because I won't change my view when challenged doesn't make it wrong, I just means I believe in something that others don't, so what?