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  • Posts: 25123
Re: future of trad
« Reply #20 on: November 13, 2011, 12:43:37 pm »
>KCleaning  ;D

No snobbery here - just answering the Q honestly.

I freely admit that wfp or reach and wash or whatever is simply a brush on a stick. It's just a much better, safer and faster money earner (for me) and having done trad only for ten years and wfp for five years I know what works (for me).

If steam powered burrows and others want to shout it down then that's fine by me - he might be the fastest gun in the West but then the machine pistol came along!
It's a game of three halves!

John F

  • Posts: 494
Re: future of trad
« Reply #21 on: November 13, 2011, 12:57:17 pm »
you dont seem to come over as one of the snobs gold. whats funny is the guys who started from scratch on wfp and have no skill or savvy of how to work when all else fails. if the crunch comes one day and there was some world wide depression i dont believe that window cleaning will be top of anyones list of important things to worry about.

if bus drivers all went on strike or taxi drivers or bakers or shop workers, the country would grind to a halt. if window cleaners went on strike or stopped working, who would give a toss?

window cleaners as tradesmen are on the bottom of the bucket of poope when it comes to services. some window cleaners would love to scramble out of that bucket and try to step on other window cleaners in order to get closer to the rim of that bucket. its perverse that there could be snobbery among poope bucket dwellers is what i mean  ;D ;D


  • Posts: 374
Re: future of trad
« Reply #22 on: November 13, 2011, 01:48:08 pm »
its a good job people thinks its a bottom of barrel dog poo job and they dont know the earning potential of wfp or bus drivers and bakers would all be packing up and flooding the business even more!! let people think that  ;)
plenty of cream...plenty of sugar!

John F

  • Posts: 494
Re: future of trad
« Reply #23 on: November 13, 2011, 02:02:50 pm »
you see thats part of the problem. some people have never really earned more than 5 bob an hour since they left school. so when they earn a few bob more than they ever draemed of they go hollywood and think they have reached some sort of pinicle of climbing out of a poope semi skilled service. so still sitting in the poope bucket but think they are in the upper layer of poope.

the window cleaning poope bucket gets more and more people coming into it because wfp has made it easy for them to earn a few bob. also if you look at the way some of the people in this game that are swimming a bit higher in the poope bucket than some others you will see that you dont need to be over clever to reach the higher levels of a poope trade such as window cleaning.

wfp has actually pulled more people into this bucket because its even easier to do. when we were all trad a house cost £10 now some are wfp some guys charge £7 for the same house.

just proves how even stupid peole can get into this poope job and still earn enough to keep them in chips and beer.  ;) my attitude to all this trad v wfp stuff is use what you feel best with. i just love to laugh at the bucket dwellers who think they are skilled tradesmen.


  • Posts: 1500
Re: future of trad
« Reply #24 on: November 13, 2011, 02:17:58 pm »
Trad will never die, not in our lifetime. It's still the best, easiest and quickest way to do inside. (and if you can only clean inside with a bottle and a microfibre please dont comment about it because you wont be qualified to make an educated reply) Some customers just dont like wfp, so the tradders that are left might well be able to charge a premium to clean that way and finally when the world starts suffering with water shortages every year, wfp will be banned, it will be viewed as a unnecessary luxury, either that or the water companies will start charging anyone who uses wfp a huge premium on their bills......

Pope vader

  • Posts: 1944
Re: future of trad
« Reply #25 on: November 13, 2011, 02:25:42 pm »
it will live for ever if every tradder looked like this

Johnny B

  • Posts: 2385
Re: future of trad
« Reply #26 on: November 13, 2011, 02:33:29 pm »
Very interesting thread, inciting some passionate replies!

My thoughts are that, wanting to keep life very simple, I have been and always will be a trad window cleaner for as long as I am capable of carrying and climbing a ladder safely. I have nearly 15 years of experience in this game, never charge about in a mindless hurry to earn the next buck quickly, and am very, very thorough in everything I do.

Were I to convert to WFP, I know that it would do my head in. I would be asking myself and stressing out over such questions as 'Have I got enough water on board, is the TDS 000 (anymore and I would be worried about spotting) have I got spare pumps, etc for when they break...' etc etc.

What I love about trad is its simplicity. I earn enough, it is stress free and I answer to nobody. If I am happy why try to fix something which ain't broke?


Being diplomatic is being able to tell someone to go to hell in such a way that they look forward to the trip.

John F

  • Posts: 494
Re: future of trad
« Reply #27 on: November 13, 2011, 02:38:43 pm »
Trad will never die, not in our lifetime. It's still the best, easiest and quickest way to do inside. (and if you can only clean inside with a bottle and a microfibre please dont comment about it because you wont be qualified to make an educated reply) Some customers just dont like wfp, so the tradders that are left might well be able to charge a premium to clean that way and finally when the world starts suffering with water shortages every year, wfp will be banned, it will be viewed as a unnecessary luxury, either that or the water companies will start charging anyone who uses wfp a huge premium on their bills......

there is a valid point there. trad will become some sort of special extra in the future. perhaps trad guys will be able to charge top dollar for that service. like roof thatchers. if you know what i mean. good point.

also johnny b has a very good point too. if some of the guys are happy to trad and are no threat to wfp then why worry? as long as wfp blokes who cant trad dont get asked to clean inside, wheres the problem  ;D

pmsl @ bottles of water and a cloth to clean inside!!  :D :D :D the customer could get the tea lady from the co-op canteen to clean them like that!


  • Posts: 8156
Re: future of trad
« Reply #28 on: November 13, 2011, 03:08:34 pm »
i cant count the amount of times this discussion happens.

for me wfp is better,no snobbery,i dont like hardwork
apart from the occasional problem window or the weather
turns appalling ice snow etc then trad bottoms i wouldnt dream
of picking up a squeegee  and im far to lazy to be bothered messing around
cleaning the insides of peoples houses.

windows fascia and gutters make me more than a good living
5hrs a day.

why would i want to take a step backwards to hardwork
unless im forced to ;D

John F

  • Posts: 494
Re: future of trad
« Reply #29 on: November 13, 2011, 03:17:47 pm »
not saying you should. what you say is the point im making about why lots of people come into this game. any prat can clean with wfp. not anyone can trad insides. i know you dont clean insides etc etc. just hope and pray that your area doesnt get a cleaner that does and he takes your work.

you are what i call a snob. you give the impression that if guys dont use wfp then they are dumb bacause its faster etc. so youve seen the light and are a bit higher up the level of poope in the same bucket as every window cleaner swims in.

enjoy the smell and stop pretending to be in a different bucket  8)


  • Posts: 1500
Re: future of trad
« Reply #30 on: November 13, 2011, 03:20:10 pm »
i cant count the amount of times this discussion happens.

for me wfp is better,no snobbery,i dont like hardwork
apart from the occasional problem window or the weather
turns appalling ice snow etc then trad bottoms i wouldnt dream
of picking up a squeegee  and im far to lazy to be bothered messing around
cleaning the insides of peoples houses.

windows fascia and gutters make me more than a good living
5hrs a day.

why would i want to take a step backwards to hardwork
unless im forced to ;D

I have to admire your honesty.

Re: future of trad
« Reply #31 on: November 13, 2011, 05:24:04 pm »
hey guys interesting topic . but dont you all offer both trad and wfp because i do and to be honest i prefer trad but faster doing wfp and there is always a possibility of a miss app on a ladder.


  • Posts: 1643
Re: future of trad
« Reply #32 on: November 13, 2011, 05:29:22 pm »
chimley sweepers have now become .. window cleaners LMFHO ;D window cleaning is never going to be a Trade,to many odd job boys jumping on the band wagon! simple... which is sad for the real boys..


  • Posts: 8156
Re: future of trad
« Reply #33 on: November 13, 2011, 05:39:34 pm »
not saying you should. what you say is the point im making about why lots of people come into this game. any prat can clean with wfp. not anyone can trad insides. i know you dont clean insides etc etc. just hope and pray that your area doesnt get a cleaner that does and he takes your work.

you are what i call a snob. you give the impression that if guys dont use wfp then they are dumb bacause its faster etc. so youve seen the light and are a bit higher up the level of poope in the same bucket as every window cleaner swims in.

enjoy the smell and stop pretending to be in a different bucket  8)
you have me totally wrong i couldnt careless what other use,i was just telling
you what iuse and why.

you seem to feel anyone who uses wfp is a snob,my guess is mate that
you are what is refferred as is a inverted snob.the attitude and anger problem
seems to be yours and not mine.

by the way any pratt can learn to seem to have managed it

no offence meant mate! ;D ;D


  • Posts: 1643
Re: future of trad
« Reply #34 on: November 13, 2011, 05:49:17 pm »
 ;D lets face it holding a broom in the air is not rocket science ::) ;D :-* and theres water!

John F

  • Posts: 494
Re: future of trad
« Reply #35 on: November 13, 2011, 05:55:49 pm »
not saying you should. what you say is the point im making about why lots of people come into this game. any prat can clean with wfp. not anyone can trad insides. i know you dont clean insides etc etc. just hope and pray that your area doesnt get a cleaner that does and he takes your work.

you are what i call a snob. you give the impression that if guys dont use wfp then they are dumb bacause its faster etc. so youve seen the light and are a bit higher up the level of poope in the same bucket as every window cleaner swims in.

enjoy the smell and stop pretending to be in a different bucket  8)
you have me totally wrong i couldnt careless what other use,i was just telling
you what iuse and why.

you seem to feel anyone who uses wfp is a snob,my guess is mate that
you are what is refferred as is a inverted snob.the attitude and anger problem
seems to be yours and not mine.

by the way any pratt can learn to seem to have managed it

no offence meant mate! ;D ;D

nice try mate. you are in the same bucket as all of us who clean windows. you felt you needed to justify your chosen method. i dont care what anyone uses. i just laugh at the fact that any window cleaner could feel clever because they us e a certain tool. if the poope fits.............. ;)

bobby p

Re: future of trad
« Reply #36 on: November 13, 2011, 06:14:40 pm »
;D lets face it holding a broom in the air is not rocket science ::) ;D :-* and theres water!
do you still clean windows on a round Terry ?  i saw you do carpets on the carpet side of the forum


  • Posts: 2557
Re: future of trad
« Reply #37 on: November 13, 2011, 06:52:12 pm »

If you feel you live in a "bucket of poope" that is your perspective on life and is perfectly OK.

Not good however to view others that way just because they clean windows.

Personally I do not believe my occupation defines who I am or whether or not I "live in a bucket of poope". This IMO has more to do with personal values, outlook on life etc.


  • Posts: 8156
Re: future of trad
« Reply #38 on: November 13, 2011, 07:14:53 pm »
not saying you should. what you say is the point im making about why lots of people come into this game. any prat can clean with wfp. not anyone can trad insides. i know you dont clean insides etc etc. just hope and pray that your area doesnt get a cleaner that does and he takes your work.

you are what i call a snob. you give the impression that if guys dont use wfp then they are dumb bacause its faster etc. so youve seen the light and are a bit higher up the level of poope in the same bucket as every window cleaner swims in.

enjoy the smell and stop pretending to be in a different bucket  8)
you have me totally wrong i couldnt careless what other use,i was just telling
you what iuse and why.

you seem to feel anyone who uses wfp is a snob,my guess is mate that
you are what is refferred as is a inverted snob.the attitude and anger problem
seems to be yours and not mine.

by the way any pratt can learn to seem to have managed it

no offence meant mate! ;D ;D

nice try mate. you are in the same bucket as all of us who clean windows. you felt you needed to justify your chosen method. i dont care what anyone uses. i just laugh at the fact that any window cleaner could feel clever because they us e a certain tool. if the poope fits.............. ;)

yep you are right im a window cleaner and your point is ;D

did i mention feeling clever :o if i was clever matey i wouldnt be
window cleaning ;D

simply telling you why i prefer wfp doesnt mean im justifying myself
but if that what floats your boat for you and the boulder on your
shoulder i will agrree with you and you can run round happy that
you are right!! ;D ;D

sheeesh! can somebody find his dummy! ;D ;D


  • Posts: 8156
Re: future of trad
« Reply #39 on: November 13, 2011, 07:24:10 pm »
i cant count the amount of times this discussion happens.

for me wfp is better,no snobbery,i dont like hardwork
apart from the occasional problem window or the weather
turns appalling ice snow etc then trad bottoms i wouldnt dream
of picking up a squeegee  and im far to lazy to be bothered messing around
cleaning the insides of peoples houses.

windows fascia and gutters make me more than a good living
5hrs a day.

why would i want to take a step backwards to hardwork
unless im forced to ;D

I have to admire your honesty.

cheer! glad somebody can appreciate it!

i spent nearly twenty years slogging my guts out 80hrs
a week for a company like loads of others which had little
or no appreciation for what i was doing.

i work less than half the hours now,make more money
and like my life as easy as possible,i only take the work
that suits me if it isnt wfp i dont want to know,physically
trad is too much like hard work,as im hurtling into middle
age and then old age given the choice i just dont want it :)