Here are couple of pictures mate, cant get the 3 way brass connector to show picture of it as its wedged under tank....
But heres the gist of it: A 1.5 inch outlet, into a stop tap, into a 90 degree bend, followed by another 90 degree to run it back down the length of the tank, into a 1 inch tricoflex pipe for about foot or so, into a 3 way splitter which reduces it into 2 half inch pipes, another foot or so length into my 2 filters and then on into the pumps.
Make sure your pumps are as low as possible, i have my tank on a 2 inch platform, and the pumps mounted right at the bottom so even when its completely empty it can drain it all out. This is crucial as to start off with the pumps were too high, and wouldnt drain out at all under quarter of a tank.....