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Who bought the gardiners sill brush ?
« on: October 03, 2011, 02:51:19 pm »
i'm waiting for the new fanjets for the sill brush before i get one.

But for those of you that have got one what are they like for maintenance cleaning how are you getting on with them ?

Pope vader

  • Posts: 1944
Re: Who bought the gardiners sill brush ?
« Reply #1 on: October 03, 2011, 02:58:37 pm »
i have a love/hate realtionship with mine,  one min i think its the worlds gretest brush  and then i think my extreme wide is the worlds greatest brush,  i dont know weather its the pencil/fan thing,  but saying that i use the cill all day today, after starting off using the extreme wide which lasted 3 windows


Re: Who bought the gardiners sill brush ?
« Reply #2 on: October 03, 2011, 03:58:50 pm »
I like it because most of my houses have traditional sash frames and it cleans into the corners and the lower panes far easier ( and ofcourse sills ). Having said that I'm not overly impressed by its scrubbing ability or its durability . I have the white dual trim medium one.


Re: Who bought the gardiners sill brush ?
« Reply #3 on: October 03, 2011, 04:01:03 pm »
i have a love/hate realtionship with mine,  one min i think its the worlds gretest brush  and then i think my extreme wide is the worlds greatest brush,  i dont know weather its the pencil/fan thing,  but saying that i use the cill all day today, after starting off using the extreme wide which lasted 3 windows

i have been the same with my fanjets used them for over a month been using loads of water because of over rinsing the windows so today tried my pencil jets again and loved them used less water and i was faster rinsing the window  ;D ;D so i will see how i go this week and i might just get the sill brush with pencils instead of fanjets  ;D ;D ;D

Small but perfectley formed

  • Posts: 1744
Re: Who bought the gardiners sill brush ?
« Reply #4 on: October 03, 2011, 04:51:01 pm »
Got the hard bristle one because i thought the bristles on the extreme soft were not very durable.
At first i thought i had wasted more money , but i like it now.
Spit and polish


  • Posts: 2561
Re: Who bought the gardiners sill brush ?
« Reply #5 on: October 03, 2011, 10:55:46 pm »
good maintenance cleans brush, nice on high work as light and splays nicely. Not so good on georgian wooden frames as i fitted a swivel and stock knocks the frames a bit as the brush could do with more bristles imo. overall verdict 9 out of 10


  • Posts: 23862
Re: Who bought the gardiners sill brush ?
« Reply #6 on: October 03, 2011, 11:20:11 pm »
why not go for a SL DT flocked?they are the best brush gardiners sell IMO.still light enough and a lot more hard wearing than a lot of the newer brushes.chunky enough to clean the sills and excellent on leaded windows and snail trails!! ;D ;D ;D ;D
price higher/work harder!


  • Posts: 334
Re: Who bought the gardiners sill brush ?
« Reply #7 on: October 03, 2011, 11:28:26 pm »
got the black one, cleans as good as any brush i have used and feels good on the end of the pole. first cleans have been ok with it but i could not see it lasting long its started to look very used, and its only 3 weeks old and not a hard 3weeks as i have been doing alot of gutter cleans. if used 5 days a week window after window i could not see it lasting longer than 8 weeks? thats 6 brushs a year or 300 quid a year or 5.80 aweek? yes i would buy again when i look at it like that, but my black sl still looks good and its had a hard life and its alot older ;)