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Geoff Jewkes

  • Posts: 654
Re: Clean it up Members Discount Leaflets
« Reply #40 on: March 06, 2007, 06:48:19 pm »
Good prices!  Do you guys use A4 or A5 for best results ? Geoff


  • Posts: 680
Re: Clean it up Members Discount Leaflets
« Reply #41 on: March 06, 2007, 07:07:26 pm »
yes please mike i am looking at printers at the moment
life is one big learning experience!!!!!!!

Mike Halliday

  • Posts: 11581
Re: Clean it up Members Discount Leaflets
« Reply #42 on: March 06, 2007, 07:14:50 pm »

here's there web address.

Mike Halliday.

Chris R

  • Posts: 813
Re: Clean it up Members Discount Leaflets
« Reply #43 on: March 06, 2007, 08:18:37 pm »
Samples of D P carpet leaflets here


Re: Clean it up Members Discount Leaflets
« Reply #44 on: April 14, 2007, 11:42:27 pm »
I recently placed an order with Mark at DP for 10k A5 glossy flyers and 1000 cards, and provided artwork.

Delivery was promised for a week that Friday, and..............they never came.

No problem, back on the phone and delivery was promised for the following Tuesday, and.......................................................................they never came.

Back on the phone and the business cards were sent out overnight as promised, but had a spelling mistake on them  :o (the flyers to follow on the Friday again)

Friday arrives and the flyers don't and its back on the phone, I'm told that I will get a return call within 10 minutes after the courier has been called to see whats happened to them, an hour later I get a young lad calling me to say that the courier has returned the flyers to them by mistake  ???

After telling them not to bother with the flyers and just to return my money I got another call asking if I wanted them the following Tuesday at half price to which I agreed, guess what, they never came!

Another call to them and Mark said that he had had problems with the press and that he could have them with me by that Friday (thought they had been printed a week ago ???).

The last time I spoke to them I was offered the flyers free as a good will gesture as they had to finish them to get some other customers work done that was batched with them, once again they never turned up (although in their defence the cheque did arrive).

So over a month after the flyers were ordered I took the job to a local printer who although 50 quid dearer got me the cards and flyers done within 3 days without any delays, couriers returning non existent flyers or other excuse.

That said I still think Mark at DP is a pleasant bloke but I do feel that if there's a problem with an order you could let the customer know about it, Andy


  • Posts: 587
Re: Clean it up Members Discount Leaflets
« Reply #45 on: April 15, 2007, 09:52:54 am »
Id have to say the service i received was great, delivered on time only slight problem was a slight spelling mistake and had failed to note we clean leather. I brought this to Marks attention and he offered to reprint foc, but we agreed that he would do me another 10000 for 27.00 and allow me to keep the existing 10000 that means i have 20000 leaflets for £81.00. That should keep me going for a couple of months and at £15.00 per 1000 for delivery i would consider this low cost advertising.


Mike Halliday

  • Posts: 11581
Re: Clean it up Members Discount Leaflets
« Reply #46 on: April 15, 2007, 11:59:09 am »
don't you lads see proofs of your ad before giving the go ahead?

Marks a decent bloke who just like us is trying to run a bussiness, he not perfect and sometimes makes mistakes,

most of his customers are happy with his service, but he can get it wrong. such is life


Mike Halliday.

steve k

Re: Clean it up Members Discount Leaflets
« Reply #47 on: April 15, 2007, 12:14:28 pm »
yes you know I did ask for a proof and declined any further order as I was not happy with the proof...then was called by Mark and told to take any further business elsewhere in future.

Mike Halliday

  • Posts: 11581
Re: Clean it up Members Discount Leaflets
« Reply #48 on: April 15, 2007, 12:38:15 pm »
I think he was getting pi$$ed of with people getting him to do art work then not getting any work done,

if you ask him to do art work it means you want some leaflets, if you are not happy with a proof then he will change it until you are, to just tell him after he has spent time designing a leaflet you aren't going to bother is just inconsiderate

its like us giving 'free' estimates, if I got a call from someone and  i spent 2 hrs going out to give them a 'free' estimate then they say they can't be bothered to have the work done I wouldn't be too happy, even though I offer to give 'free' estimates.

to ask for something that is offered for free implies you have an intention to place an order.

anyhow that's how I see it ;) ;) ;)

Mike Halliday.

steve k

Re: Clean it up Members Discount Leaflets
« Reply #49 on: April 15, 2007, 04:10:37 pm »
Mike...he is your mate and does your leaflets for free so you are a bit biased... ;D

That is exactly what a proof is...a design of your ideas for you to judge the quality before agreeing to an order.

I actually think he does a great job for many people...his design for me was not up to my expectations and the fact that the design was delayed on several occasions due to problems with his email system or printer...well, it never filled me with much confidence in what I was going to receive for my money.
Even on his site, he displays many sample leaflets and there are many spelling errors... ???

You cannot be serious about offering free estimates but actually expect everyone to book you... ;D ;D

Ian Gourlay

  • Posts: 5748
Re: Clean it up Members Discount Leaflets
« Reply #50 on: April 15, 2007, 05:55:52 pm »
Not being good at spelling myself.

But its up to Carpet Cleaner to proof read.

Mike Halliday

  • Posts: 11581
Re: Clean it up Members Discount Leaflets
« Reply #51 on: April 15, 2007, 06:12:19 pm »
Steve you judge quality by looking at the samples on his website, not asking for a proof, plus how can you judge quality with an pdf email.

if some one ask my to give them a quote, I expect them to book unless;

1) they can't afford me ..or
20 I cannot fit into their time scale.

look at it from Marks point of view, someone can go onto his website see over 100 example of his leaflets and can see the prices he charges, why ask for a proof unless you are going to place an order.

Mike Halliday.

steve k

Re: Clean it up Members Discount Leaflets
« Reply #52 on: April 15, 2007, 06:34:19 pm »
because not one of his samples represent anything similar to what I wanted...simple.
I have shown on here the leaflet he came up with and I can tell you it bore not a scrap of what I would have posted in my target area.
I have no idea how you cannot see my point. I have an idea about how I would like my leaflet to look and I email this to a printer. He puts together a sample idea for me and emails it to me for approval or editing. I see certain things I do not like or would like changed and email these to the printer...eventually, we reach a point where the leaflet is exactly how I want it...lets face it, it is important that the leaflet is how I want it...then I place an order for required amount.
If the printer is not happy to work with me on a design, then what does he expect me to an expensive order for thousands of leaflets that will end up in landfill sites...???

If you went into a travel agents with £2k to spend on a holiday and asked for a double, sea view room with dinner every night in a particular coastal resort in Northern Spain...and you ended up with tickets to an all inclusive dive in Benidorm...what would you do ???
I do not believe for a second you would accept that would you...?
You would sit there with the travel agent and explain in no uncertain terms what it is exactly that you want...if they could not give you the holiday you wanted, you would walk away and go to another travel agents who could.
You certainly wouldn`t say to your wife:
"well, let`s be honest love, we took up a couple of hours of his time and Benidorm isn`t that bad really"

Another thing...I do not judge the quality of the leaflet...I judge the content.

On the subject of free offers, I take it then that when you were ambling around Benidorm, if you were accosted by a timeshare agent offering you a free afternoon at a wonderful resort with all the trimmings included...that you would go along and because you had availed yourself of a few free beers and a couple of hot would commit to a multi-thousand pound purchase of a timeshare apartment in the complex because you had wasted a couple of hours of that nice young mans time... ;D

Mike...come on :) :) :)

Mike Halliday

  • Posts: 11581
Re: Clean it up Members Discount Leaflets
« Reply #53 on: April 15, 2007, 07:55:39 pm »
I think we both have a different point of view on this, so we'll call it quits :) :)

hopefully you got some leaflets from somewhere and they brought in loads of work :D :D


Mike Halliday.

steve k

Re: Clean it up Members Discount Leaflets
« Reply #54 on: April 15, 2007, 09:24:33 pm »
no... ;D
( I could lie of course and say I was earning thousands cleaning carpets....but it is seriously tough work I think)
I was expressing my reservations to the wife earlier on and I asked her how many times in 16 years had we engaged the services of a carpet cleaner...not one solitary occasion!!!

I take my hat off to whoever is earning a wage cleaning carpets because it is not easy work and the chances of things goling wrong are always there.

I have £3K worth of brand new kit sitting in my shed and I am thinking it was a bit of a mistake... :o :o
Still...I`ll either return it or get more on Ebay... :D (I hope)

John Gregory

Re: Clean it up Members Discount Leaflets
« Reply #55 on: April 15, 2007, 10:56:50 pm »
Steve do you know them leaflets i showed you on friday ,you said they where preety smart quess who did them for me

steve k

Re: Clean it up Members Discount Leaflets
« Reply #56 on: April 16, 2007, 06:56:10 am »
I actually think he does a great job for many people...his design for me was not up to my expectations

they were very good John...but as stated above, I believe he does a great job for many people...but my leaflet was pretty dire.


Re: Clean it up Members Discount Leaflets New
« Reply #57 on: April 16, 2007, 07:59:56 am »
The printer at the bni I attend pulled the printing to bits from Dp print  colour run,colour  bleed and the fact it was on 70g paper not 80g how many of your customers would actually notice these errors?At the end of the day you get what you pay for my leaflets cost £240 for 20000 and they bring the work in so why would I want to pay £480 for glossy leaflets.

Mark is a straightforward guy who is doing his best which will never be good enough for some people ::)