a) Explain why you believe there is sufficient demand for your products/services to provide a living via the business.
Having spoke to other window cleaners in the area, they have assured me there is more people requiring a window cleaning service than there is window cleaners,(name my company if you like) one company has said they will pass on leads in areas they don't cover already, I have also chatted to members of the public and friends and family and indeed many areas do not have a window cleaner, or at least a cleaner they are happy with.
b) Give sources of information used in your market research.
Internet cleaning forums, spoke to other window cleaners locally, questioned the public, searched local press and directory's
c) Explain how you will segment your market, whether by age, gender, location, customer
type etc.
I will be targeting my market by location keeping it as compact as I can, also my market research shows that retired, and 40+ age group make far more reliable customers who require this service and don't mind paying for it.
d) Describe the profile of your typical customer.
Home owner with good income
e) Describe the identified needs of your typical customer and how your products/services will
satisfy these needs e.g. customer in a hurry - fast service offered.
unlike most local window cleaners we will clean frames, offer to be regular and reliable
f) Describe how you will make your customers aware of your business and what it can do for
them, e.g. press adverts, business cards, flyers etc.
g) Describe the strategy you will employ to promote your business e.g. special promotions,
mail shots, discount schemes, personal referrals, commissions etc.
Also how would i conduct market research other than just goin out and chapping doors?
I have started the first few Jonny but do you get the drift from that, just make it up