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  • Posts: 315
« on: October 24, 2005, 06:33:05 pm »
Hello folks.

was reading George Reid's comments on the radio advertising thread about canvassing. i have been thinking about this for my domestic pressure washing business next year. some advice would be really helpful for eg.

do you hire them through an agency or temps on the payroll or free lance.

what is a ball park figure per week to employ them.

what has been peoples experience and has it been cost effective

i know that door knocking works and continue to do it. but am undecided about getting some one else to do it even though it would free me up.

regards to all


john smith

  • Posts: 59
Re: canvassing
« Reply #1 on: October 24, 2005, 10:04:07 pm »
hi ged
 look at hiring them direct on a selfemployed basis

i.d be lookking to retain the canvassers for a minimum basic, then pay only commision on results

pay £100 per week guaranteed, but knock off £20 per day for each day they dont turn up then you would be wise to pay per job done, not per lead, canvassers will try and get per lead but im telling you now, unless you are seasined salesnman pay on the job, when the job is done) maybe pay £20 per job or 20% of the job, these guys will work on a selfemployed basis, you need to structure a payment method so they can realistically earn between £200 on a bad week and maybe £500 on a good week, or ideally a £1000 a week.

pay a little exrtra to have a "supervisor" (someone who owns a car) and you make this person respnsible for quality of leads etc, (pay small fuel allowance paid daily upon recipt of previus days petrol)

hiring canvassing teams works, but mainly  profitable for high ticket jobs, like windows, kitchens, blockpaving etc,and majority of the leads these chaps get are very weak

work the figures out for your self to see if its cost effective , i dont know what you charge on an average job, but lets say its £150 and it takes all day, if you give the canvasser £50 (in total oulay to him) you make 100 minus costs, if he gives you 6 jobs a week you make £600 canvasser makes £300 which is a fair shout for a canvasser who will only work for 25-30 hrs aweek 4pm - 8pm mon -fri, sat 9am till 1pm maybe

so if this worked, in theory , you could pay a lad 300 quid a week to  do your powerwashing, 300 to a canvasser, and you make 300 for pickingup the money and rolling the business on and duplicating  it.

i believe a law was passed in parliment to oulaw selling services door to door, who is enforcing i dont know, im sure the ploice dont even know its against the law,  i may be wrong here but then i amy be right, who cares anyway

hope this helps ged




  • Posts: 315
Re: canvassing
« Reply #2 on: October 24, 2005, 10:55:38 pm »
thanks john

food for thought
