Established business with average job price around £200. Reason for sale is emmigration.
The vast majority of work comes from the website and existing customers/referrals so minimal advertising needed.
The website is no.1 in google natural listings for all search terms in Altrincham and between no.1 and top few in surrounding areas (see other advert for more details). The website, customer/contact list are included.
Local Altrincham phone no. 0161 929 9695 is available for £5-£10/month directed to your phone.
Offers around £10k
Transit van as on website can be sold with the business at a reduced rate of 2k and the equipment can be sold for 2k-3k depending on specifics. Equipment includes a Scorpion, rotary, hoses, minitex, dryer, cfr tool and lots of chemical etc.
Contact Richard: 07770 603635, 0161 929 9695 or