thing is tho even if i have 3 vans with 3 of these hot systems in them and i can work for a whole month where you cant and each van does a minimum of £1000 a week thats £12000 coming in, say £1000 for loan, £2500 wages, £4800 for tax and vat, £1500 business costs, im still takin over £2grand home which is £2grand more than you and your cold system!!!!!!!! so yes i see it as a big risk but isnt not working a risk as well, i want to provide window cleaning all year round for my customers also we are now marketing a lot of work for the winter so that we have days where we can work doing other adhoc stuff so were prepared for the winter
Do Ionics fit a snow plough? It wasn't the temperatures alone that stopped me working. It was Christmas Holiday week then the fact that vehicles couldn't access the properties anyway due to the ice on the estate roads. Richey, it's just that your posts were bleating about how you had no money, no interest in cleaning windows and couldn't afford to take a wage from the business. I just find your business brain a little odd if you think borrowing thousands will sort everything out. Still, it's the way Governments run so you could be right :
I too have a hot system now - cost me about £170 extra.
£2500 wages per month is what many traders take on their own - you're going to have to pay
six workers plus your own wage back in the office. So, that's the possibility of seven wages per week, even if you pay peanuts thats getting on for £2100 per
week or £8400 plus your canvassers wages per month. Three lots of van tax, three times the servicing costs three times the insurance three time the fuel, holidays for six workers, quarterly vat returns, accountants fees etc. cover for sickness.
Good luck