Hi Helen,my thoughts exactly.£8.99p per room,blimey,that’s
Dear,I thought it was £5. Per room.I`ve always thought ya
Could get a top class professional for £8.99p.(Only kidding ? )
Oaky,right then,up sell when ya get there.
It`s mainly the gullable and senior citizens that will `buy`it,
At any price.
Example,a pensioner books ya to clean his/her carpet for £8.99p
Ya up sell with protector,another room,this that or the other and
By lunchtime early afternoon the pensioner ends up paying ya
£75 ( assuming they have it)
By the same evening the family,grand son etc. etc. phones ya up
Threatening to punch your lights out if you don`t give him/her their
Money back
Same thing applies with the young or gullable.
What do ya do?
Lewis Doubtfire