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Paul Simpson

  • Posts: 999
Red blotches on carpet
« on: June 30, 2011, 04:27:53 pm »
Did a customer today who had a treatment room in her house that I think she uses as a salon/beauty/tanning treatment home based business.
Anyway cleaning that particular room today and the carpet started coming up in red/pink blotches, for want of a better phrase, as I was cleaning it! (picture attached, not great but you can see it)
But only the open areas, i.e. she had 2 thick large rugs under the treatment table, this area was not affected.

I told her I believe that there is remanents of tanning products or other beauty treatment products in the carpet and it is either wicking up or reacting to the cleaning solutions (M power).
I went over it again but it was still the same. Tried other products and spotters and put the blower on it while cleaning other rooms, but no change.

I carried on cleaning other areas and came back to it again at the end. I spray misted with an alkaline spotter mixed with water and put the blower on it. 
After spending 10-15 minutes packing away in the bright sunshine I went to get my blower but couldn't see the red/pink anymore, not sure if I was suffering a bit of sun blindness or if it did the trick.  ???
Told her it appears to have gone but if need be will go over it again on my next visit, as it is a big job so I have to go back again to finish anayway.

I would like to have an answer for her.
Does it sound like it could be what I have written above?
If it hasn't worked what would be best to try next?

Thanks Paul

derek west

Re: Red blotches on carpet
« Reply #1 on: June 30, 2011, 05:14:21 pm »
are you or were you getting a transfer onto terry towel?


Re: Red blotches on carpet
« Reply #2 on: June 30, 2011, 05:18:00 pm »
Looks a big area were the colour has come through..

As derek said any transfer..

Paul Simpson

  • Posts: 999
Re: Red blotches on carpet
« Reply #3 on: June 30, 2011, 05:38:11 pm »

Steve Chapman

  • Posts: 1743
Re: Red blotches on carpet
« Reply #4 on: June 30, 2011, 05:54:26 pm »
I had the exact same thing happen about a month ago, a customers daughters bedroom, came up a bright pink, i mean really bright pink,  colour all around where there was a tall mirror, while i was cleaning,

I was bit concerned but i gave it all a good clean anyway and thought id come back and have a look later,  went on to do the rest of the house.

In the mean time I told the customer what had happened and at the end of the job we both went up to look at it,  only there wasnt anything there  :P

Felt right stupid, think she thought i was on drugs on something  :o

any how after a discussion it turns out it was tanning lotion, she stood in front of the mirror and just sprayed it every where on a regular basis.

Still think its strange how it just completely disappeared when it was dry.


Paul Simpson

  • Posts: 999
Re: Red blotches on carpet
« Reply #5 on: June 30, 2011, 06:11:58 pm »
Thanks Steve, good to hear you had the same problem.....well not good for you, but you know what I mean  ;D
Don't mind admitting it sent me into mild panic, especially as she is a high end customer.
Spoke to her this evening about my next visit and she didn't say anything about it so I'm hoping it is gone.


  • Posts: 2279
Re: Red blotches on carpet
« Reply #6 on: June 30, 2011, 08:55:00 pm »
Permanent damage, had a few of these. try sod met etc with limited success.