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How many on the forum are NCCA members

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Paul Evans

  • Posts: 408
How many NCCA members poll
« on: June 26, 2011, 11:49:02 am »
Just passed the NCCA course, I am considering joining to promote in my marketing.
I can only see this having a positive effect in marketing for a newbie. Maybe not so much for a established Business.

Your thoughts Please.


creighton foyle

  • Posts: 761
Re: How many NCCA members poll
« Reply #1 on: June 26, 2011, 11:59:00 am »
i honestly have not seen any benefit by being a member however it works out at about £4 a week to be able to use their logo etc and i do know of at least one cc who 's  was glad of their help when dealing with a problem that occured with a stroppy customer. if it was £500 a year i would probably not be a member.

Paul Evans

  • Posts: 408
Re: How many NCCA members poll
« Reply #2 on: June 26, 2011, 02:03:39 pm »
Come on pollsters a bit of feedback.



  • Posts: 253
Re: How many NCCA members poll
« Reply #3 on: June 26, 2011, 02:37:47 pm »
Hi Paul

Have been a member of the NCCA for a number off years.

Have been involved by going to AGM and also organizing a number of roadshows.

The cost is worth it as the referals we get pays for it and people say they choose us because we are members of the NCCA.

Their are a number of carpets cleaners who after being trained by them think that gives them the right to say of their adverts trained by the NCCA.

The NCCA ask that the term Trained by the NCCA is not used in adverts and links are not used to link their website to the NCCA website unless they are a member if everyone did that the NCCA would die and we would have no trade organization .

People who do that in my opinion are like parasites who use the NCCA but are not willing to pay for the privledge and so support the association.

I know now that on the training courses that the person being trained has a sign that they will not use the Ncca name or logo unless they join and pay the membeship fee.

In my opinion the cost is far outweighed by the benefits.


Paul Evans

  • Posts: 408
Re: How many NCCA members poll
« Reply #4 on: June 26, 2011, 03:49:13 pm »

Whilst i agree with a lot of your comment.
If people are trained by the NCCa why not market the fact ?

They cant say they are approved by them unless they are members.

Has for parasites a little strong, most are just trying to make a living and look after there families. Without sponging off the state ( now that is a parasite if there able to work )


derek west

Re: How many NCCA members poll
« Reply #5 on: June 26, 2011, 04:05:08 pm »
Hi Paul

Have been a member of the NCCA for a number off years.

Have been involved by going to AGM and also organizing a number of roadshows.

The cost is worth it as the referals we get pays for it and people say they choose us because we are members of the NCCA.

Their are a number of carpets cleaners who after being trained by them think that gives them the right to say of their adverts trained by the NCCA.

The NCCA ask that the term Trained by the NCCA is not used in adverts and links are not used to link their website to the NCCA website unless they are a member if everyone did that the NCCA would die and we would have no trade organization .

People who do that in my opinion are like parasites who use the NCCA but are not willing to pay for the privledge and so support the association.

I know now that on the training courses that the person being trained has a sign that they will not use the Ncca name or logo unless they join and pay the membeship fee.

In my opinion the cost is far outweighed by the benefits.


so i'm a parasite am i, first time ive been called that on here. first time for everything i suppose. ;D

funny how we all have different definitions of a parasite. for me personally i would say a parasite is someone who has been a member of a forum for 6 years, hides all his details and has only posted 56 times. take take take without giving much back. apart from popping up to call names.
strange world innit.

wayne zabel

  • Posts: 1082
Re: How many NCCA members poll
« Reply #6 on: June 26, 2011, 04:20:15 pm »
If someone has paid their 300 and odd pound for the course surely they should be able to say theyve been trained by the NCCA.

When I go to quote I sometimes show my NCCA course certificate - Is this wrong too?

wynne jones

  • Posts: 2918
Re: How many NCCA members poll
« Reply #7 on: June 26, 2011, 04:21:41 pm »
I think it's sour grapes with the NCCA and others who are members. If you were trained by the NCCA, you were trained by the NCCA - end of.

It should be so wonderful people see joining as a no brainer, but of course many don't once they are less green.

The NCCA need to offer people something that makes remaining a member worthwhile, it's a bit like us keeping OUR customers. ;)

It's not expensive, you just can't afford it.

Paul Evans

  • Posts: 408
Re: How many NCCA members poll
« Reply #8 on: June 26, 2011, 04:29:13 pm »
Hi Paul

Have been a member of the NCCA for a number off years.

Have been involved by going to AGM and also organizing a number of roadshows.

The cost is worth it as the referals we get pays for it and people say they choose us because we are members of the NCCA.

Their are a number of carpets cleaners who after being trained by them think that gives them the right to say of their adverts trained by the NCCA.

The NCCA ask that the term Trained by the NCCA is not used in adverts and links are not used to link their website to the NCCA website unless they are a member if everyone did that the NCCA would die and we would have no trade organization .

People who do that in my opinion are like parasites who use the NCCA but are not willing to pay for the privledge and so support the association.

I know now that on the training courses that the person being trained has a sign that they will not use the Ncca name or logo unless they join and pay the membeship fee.

In my opinion the cost is far outweighed by the benefits.


so i'm a parasite am i, first time ive been called that on here. first time for everything i suppose. ;D

funny how we all have different definitions of a parasite. for me personally i would say a parasite is someone who has been a member of a forum for 6 years, hides all his details and has only posted 56 times. take take take without giving much back. apart from popping up to call names.
strange world innit.


You told me you was a paraglider  ;D ;D

THink theres some confusion

God im relaxed on me strongbow an it all gets personal

I blame the sun ;D ;D ;D

Doug Holloway

  • Posts: 3917


  • Posts: 253
Re: How many NCCA members poll
« Reply #10 on: June 26, 2011, 04:36:37 pm »
Hi Derek

At the time I could not think of a better word to use than parasite.

It was probaley not the best word to use so if you have take offence by it I would like to aploogize.

It cost 256.00 to join and I get that back and more besides it just annoyes me that others dont want to pay that smallish sum of money but still want some of the benefits.

The NCCA are not perfect and never will be but for our business they give us a lot of help.


Paul Evans

  • Posts: 408
Re: How many NCCA members poll
« Reply #11 on: June 26, 2011, 04:41:53 pm »
Hi Guys

We get the Trade Association we deserve!



Yes Doug

If all the members pushed the association this could work.
IE, If i quote over the phone, and get ill call you back routine, I will finish with the advice of getting a NCCA approved cleaner, Because they have been trained to recignise carpet fibres, And the best way to clean to a recignised standard. THis is how members can push awerness


derek west

Re: How many NCCA members poll
« Reply #12 on: June 26, 2011, 04:42:13 pm »
yes i did get offended, it was rather a strong word, i appreciate where your coming from as a member but i honestly believe i am doing nothing wrong in promoting what i paid good money for.
like with paul in a previous post, we'll have to agree to disagree and forget the issue. apologies back at you for my return flack. it was brought out of frustration.


  • Posts: 253
Re: How many NCCA members poll
« Reply #13 on: June 26, 2011, 04:54:28 pm »
Thank you Derek.

If everyone who was trained by the NCCA but who then decided not to join but still used the term Trained by the NCCA the NCCA would soon not exist they cannot rely on the money that comes in from training only.

Training is only a small part of what the NCCA do.

If they did not exist who would then train new ones then.


Paul Evans

  • Posts: 408
Re: How many NCCA members poll
« Reply #14 on: June 26, 2011, 05:02:54 pm »
I agree Ray

Derek i am sure knows what he is doing, This is his choice.
I will be joining after this debate. And i would use anything to my advantage that i am legally allowed to do.
If after a couple of years of paying,and get no return i would blattently advertise where i was trained, If this could help my business.

Wouldnt you?

Good luck to both


derek west

Re: How many NCCA members poll
« Reply #15 on: June 26, 2011, 05:12:23 pm »
i don't mean to sound like a teewat allthough it will come across like i am, but thats not really my problem, its one that the NCCA needs to get sorted, like as suggested, trainees must sign something to say they can't put trained in there marketing unless they become members, when i took the course this was not the case, and if it was the case then i wouldn't of trained and i doubt others would either so they have a bit of a quandry. (think thats the word i was looking for there) i was also trained by cleansmart, prochem and iicrc and i use this in my marketing too. really don't see why i shouldn't. i paid for the certificate and yet people are telling me if i don't join i should throw it in the bin and deny any link with who trained me. bizzarre in my eyes

its up to the NCCA to make it desirable to join rather than trying to alienate the likes of me with threats that i am doing something wrong.
they must have 2/3/4000 cleaners in there database, offer them a 50% discount and with money raised, plough it all into customer awareness, or promoting there website to get us more work. maybe then i'd give it ago.

Paul Evans

  • Posts: 408
Re: How many NCCA members poll
« Reply #16 on: June 26, 2011, 05:18:24 pm »

I take it the £250 to be approved is not worth it to your long term goals ?

Has things stand.



  • Posts: 11382
Re: How many NCCA members poll
« Reply #17 on: June 26, 2011, 05:22:44 pm »
We've tried a new organisation but that didn't work others didn't want it to work for some strange reason, the NCCA could have it all if they wanted how many times have we been here before? 1000 members could be achieved in no time at all but there has to be a carrot to draw experienced cleaners to the NCCA or even back into the NCCA at the moment it is just relying on training newcomers.


Paul Evans

  • Posts: 408
Re: How many NCCA members poll
« Reply #18 on: June 26, 2011, 05:26:09 pm »
We've tried a new organisation but that didn't work others didn't want it to work for some strange reason, the NCCA could have it all if they wanted how many times have we been here before? 1000 members could be achieved in no time at all but there has to be a carrot to draw experienced cleaners to the NCCA or even back into the NCCA at the moment it is just relying on training newcomers.


Shaun can the NCCA emblem be benificial to a newbie. And to joe public that the cleaner as had at least some training?



  • Posts: 689
Re: How many NCCA members poll
« Reply #19 on: June 26, 2011, 06:26:04 pm »

Ask 10 people not associated with carpet cleaning what the NCCA stands for?

Then ask 10 what Corgi stands for, even thought they no longer exist.

I bet more have heard of corgi.


PS I am an Ncca member.
NCCA, Woolsafe, IICRC Leather Cleaning Technician