Some off the wall thoughts.
Generally speaking, their size 5 shoes will trample less flowers than my size 10's.
Householders might feel less intimidated when a five foot six lady turns up compared with a six foot bloke with broken nose and cauliflower ear.
Unless they're complete chavs their diction and writing skills are better than men's. e.g.
Lovely Lady Window Cleaners:-
"A cup of coffee would be lovely, thank you. Mmmmm, Douw Egberts, that's super! How do you keep your garden so nicely and how's young Saffron doing at playgroup - and how's Algernon's eczema? How do you keep so trim? Oooh, I know! etc etc."
Raggit and Scarper Blokey Window Cleaners:-
"Cuppa char luv - four sugars ta - corrr! Thassa bit strong innit - (burrrp!) Sorry abaht yer bizzie lizzies Missus, yew wanna concrete it over. Flippin' soft kids! Need a good slap thass'all. Giz a f a g (coff coff). Wayhay! (Raggit nudges Scarper) Look at the figger on that!" - (belch!)
Better image see!