easter bunny is right they must be destroyed...certainly within three months and prior to that they have to be securely locked away. check with the CRB helpline they will help and clarify matters. These sites are great for cleaning advice but never completely trust opinions on matters of legality- not even mine but I am married to a chartered HR consultant. You can have it in the contract (term and condition) that they repay it if they don't stay the first three months but after that it's non -recoupable ....apparently that isn't a word but it should be!!
When I meant you don't need to destroy it, I meant the applicant will have a copy as well. They do not need to destroy it. (I can see I worded that incorrectly on my previous post sorry)
In fact, if they move position to a new company they can legally show them the certificate. It is down to the new company weather they except that certificate. Its called portability.
The documents need to be kept in a secure non moveable lockable cabinet. And can be kept by an employer for up to
6 months actually and if you write to the CRB you can request that you want to keep it longer.
And in actual fact, they were only for people working in health and childcare, career vulnerable adults and is not actually required by law by any other environment.
Gilbert is right in the fact that you cannot show the certificate to anyone due to data protection act, however if the employee agrees that you can share the information to agreed parties then no offence has been committed.