In some areas replacement work is harder to find than in others.
We would ask if they weren't happy with our service, but would you get an honest answer?
We would have thanked them for their business and left the way open for them to contact us if they decided on our services again in the future. Its not personal, its business. Even if it was personal, you give them the 'power' by taking it personally.
Most of our work is in a small town and everyone knows everyone elses business, including ours.
Even those who were rude and cancelled due to a previous price increase, were always greeted and polite conversation made. (A whole estate we do have over the years grouped together and cancelled the window cleaners on mass when they tried to raise prices - this was their way of using blackmail as a way to keep their window cleaning prices down.) Whilst they suceeded with the guy we brought the round from, we rode it out and slowly got most of them back on our terms.
We have started to raise prices again, and it has mostly been accepted, but most of our customers are aware we are raising prices before we tell them.
Whilst we don't want to be seen as a soft touch and easily manipulated, everything we do is calculated and justified so we don't give them an excuse to damage our reputation. If we get a remark like, "I see you aren't doing so and so's windows anymore," we will confirm they are right we aren't cleaning them any longer. We add that the reason is between them and us and that it would be wrong to discuss those reasons with a third party, but that it had nothing to do with the quality or frequency of the service we provided and leave it for them to draw their own conclusions.
Sometimes I wish we could tell some of them to go to hell and replace them with others, but we are the 'outsiders'. They wait in on a Thursday evening until the milkman has arrived to collect his debts (most seem to be 'scared' of him,) but some of them don't see prompt payment of the window cleaners as a similar priority.
Saying that, the majority we have got to know over the years are good customers.