If you did it while the sun was out then yes.I use Virosol, but ONLY for conny roofs at 1:23
TFR on glass is not a problem unless left too long and in this weather you need to be quick. i only use it at 2% as per instuctions. and on windows in the sun i wet 1st then TFR - then scrub.if you have TFR marks then you need to scrub it by hand Darran
if the window is not in direct sunlight you've got around 15 mins. - in winter upto the 1/2 hr mark - depends on how strong the solution and how much you put on.as a rule of thumb i spray 3 windows & frames then scrub them returning to the 1st for final wash over and rinse.from experience - i forgot 1 window and got some marks - re applying tfr and wfp'ing didn't touch it - it looked good until the water dried i only got it off with the green sponge scourer thingies.. Darran
Or Gardiners Ecover