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Steve CM

nearly 100% more :o

i have just bought a few hand tools from a local supplys place and it cost me £104.00

i have just tapped in the same order into window cleaning warehouse and delivered it would be £58.00

i needed the stuff quickly so had to get it but how can a supplier be so far out with whats available? couldn't believe it really. I thought it was pretty shocking ::)


  • Posts: 71
I had the same sort of thing when i was looking for a printer in the local area for 5000 A5 double sided flyers the local company wanted 160 quid i got them in the end for 65 mental aint it

Steve CM

i would of thought a local company could charge more but them sort of mark ups are crazy.

Handyman Window Cleaning Services

  • Posts: 410
my local supplier charges a bomb too they dont like it that window cleaners now use them in emergancies.

i was sent away because i wanted a couplin for my back pack he said for me to go back to my other supplier
Stephen C Brophy

Paul Coleman

I do pay more from a local supplier - but not that much more.  paying more locally saves me money anyway because it saves me waiting in for a delivery or travelling out to collect.


i would love to have a local supplier for wfp just so i could go and have a look, the amount of times i have order the wrong wfp parts online >:(