Good evening
I hope that I will be able to meet you at the next meeting and I understand that how I post can be construed as you see it.
I am a no nonsense person and I like to get to the point, for all official posts that are linked to the PWCA, I feel that matter of fact and to the point will not leave anyone in any doubt.
There is a genuine person behind the posts, from down to earth window cleaning stock.
I am not some automated mouthpiece and I represent no one other than the interests of the window cleaning industry from a window cleaners perspective.
This will be through the PWCA as I see that this is the option to lead the industry into the 21st century.
Tosh I understand your initial apprehensions and those of everyone else, on both forums.
I would hope that there will be new networks created through the PWCA, of like minded people who want to better the industry.
You seem to hold some sway with the cleanitup fraternity and your opinion could and probably does influence.
If you are interested in the post Good luck, we need people from cleanitup to take the baton and move with us.
This is not an official posting but I feel passionate about the industry that has favoured me and given me opportuntities that I would have never gotten in employment.