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Woolton Windows

  • Posts: 18
Man up and Go Canvassing!!
« on: May 09, 2011, 09:58:50 pm »
I'm a newbie, tradding it part time, don't have too many customers at the moment because I don't seem to have the balls to go out canvassing. Its crazy because I would talk to any Tom, Dick and Harry but when it comes to knocking on doors and offering my window cleaning services I cant get the confidence up! Anyone got anything that would inspire me? Or any tips? Anything to help me MAN UP and canvass?

Cheers Rex.

Tom White

Re: Man up and Go Canvassing!!
« Reply #1 on: May 09, 2011, 10:01:22 pm »
I've canvassed, Rex, but I don't like doing it, whereas some on here seem to love canvassing.  I need more work, so I need to Man Up and do it too (it's been a long time since I've done it).

Thanks for posting this, I look forward to reading the replies.


  • Posts: 1806
Re: Man up and Go Canvassing!!
« Reply #2 on: May 09, 2011, 10:01:52 pm »
There is no secret Rex... just do it!!!!!!!!!!!  ;)

Tom White

Re: Man up and Go Canvassing!!
« Reply #3 on: May 09, 2011, 10:05:11 pm »
So, what's the ideal script, attitude and bearing to take?  What's the best times to do it to ensure most people are in and receptive?

Is there a way to gain a mental attitude where you actually enjoy canvassing?  Maybe see it as a challenge, or that the prospective customer is going to get a brilliant window cleaner.

Give us more!!!!   ;D ;D ;D

Woolton Windows

  • Posts: 18
Re: Man up and Go Canvassing!!
« Reply #4 on: May 09, 2011, 10:07:37 pm »
May be it's the thought of getting rejected, or making myself look like a complete mumbling nob. I suppose I can't knock it till I try it!

Woolton Windows

  • Posts: 18
Re: Man up and Go Canvassing!!
« Reply #5 on: May 09, 2011, 10:08:55 pm »
Then again I make myself look like a nob all the time, dam what am I worrying about!

Sean Dyer

  • Posts: 2947
Re: Man up and Go Canvassing!!
« Reply #6 on: May 09, 2011, 10:10:40 pm »
script - you don't need much


Evening /morning, my name is ...... from ........ window cleaning,  we are cleaning in the area (doesnt matter if this is stretching the truth unless your miles out of your way) and wondered if you had a cleaner...

- yes - ok, are you happy with them (if yes then walk , if no, inquire as to why and if you are better take it)

- no- would you like one

yes - ok i will quote now

no- ok no worries here is a leaflet if you change your mind, and we also do gutters pvc fascias connies bla bla thanks for your time

works for me

Sean Dyer

  • Posts: 2947
Re: Man up and Go Canvassing!!
« Reply #7 on: May 09, 2011, 10:11:51 pm »
if you have had 10 people in and say no, move area i would say/ or bang some leaflets in and if you get a call go back

leaflets are a good way to test an area first but other wise just knock on instinct and go for it

i tend to knock near my work so that it stays  compact

Tom White

Re: Man up and Go Canvassing!!
« Reply #8 on: May 09, 2011, 10:14:20 pm »
Cheers guys, I plan to go out Wednesday or Thursday from about 3pm till 5 pm.  I'll report back.

Then again I make myself look like a nob all the time, dam what am I worrying about!

It's not the looking like a nob that worries me, it's the feeling that I am one that is frightening.

Woolton Windows

  • Posts: 18
Re: Man up and Go Canvassing!!
« Reply #9 on: May 09, 2011, 10:15:28 pm »
I've got business cards, I'll have to knock up some leaflets but I feel I'm wasting money because 90% will get chucked away. Well I know I chuck most leaflets away that come through my door!

Woolton Windows

  • Posts: 18
Re: Man up and Go Canvassing!!
« Reply #10 on: May 09, 2011, 10:16:51 pm »
Cheers guys, I plan to go out Wednesday or Thursday from about 3pm till 5 pm.  I'll report back.

Then again I make myself look like a nob all the time, dam what am I worrying about!

It's not the looking like a nob that worries me, it's the feeling that I am one that is frightening.

Yeah I feel the same way, Tosh. I would like a thug looking skin head like myself knocking on MY door!

Tom White

Re: Man up and Go Canvassing!!
« Reply #11 on: May 09, 2011, 10:20:42 pm »
Cheers guys, I plan to go out Wednesday or Thursday from about 3pm till 5 pm.  I'll report back.

Then again I make myself look like a nob all the time, dam what am I worrying about!

It's not the looking like a nob that worries me, it's the feeling that I am one that is frightening.

Yeah I feel the same way, Tosh. I would like a thug looking skin head like myself knocking on MY door!

If you're describing yourself as 'thug looking', then grow some hair (if you can), smile sweetly to soften the edges and speak softly and politely!

Have any visible tattoos covered up too; no facial piercings and dress smartly; not overdoing it though.

You'll be fine!

Oh, and shave!

Sir Squeaky

  • Posts: 8341
Re: Man up and Go Canvassing!!
« Reply #12 on: May 09, 2011, 10:36:02 pm »
It's not the looking like a nob that worries me, it's the feeling that I am one that is frightening.
I can understand that... ;D


  • Posts: 23864
Re: Man up and Go Canvassing!!
« Reply #13 on: May 09, 2011, 10:39:35 pm »
your not gonna get much of a round if you dont canvass mate!you could try leaflets but you need to send 10 000 to get a few jobs!!it gets easier after the first couple of houses i find.not that i do much canvassing these days.

unless you buy some work you have nt got a hope in hell!you might as well pack it in now!!! ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
price higher/work harder!

Richard BF

Re: Man up and Go Canvassing!!
« Reply #14 on: May 10, 2011, 02:42:07 am »
if you go out with a sh17 attitude your results are gunna be sh17.

Go out with a positive attitude and set yourself some goals and achievements. I love canvassing (infact ive just started a new job 11-8 which is soley canvassing).

The attitude i have when knocking the doors is - Im not going to see them again so coundlt care what they thought of me however i give a good impression and they leave with a flyer (cue a phonecall the week the wc lets them down  ;))

if you get straight to the point aswell you will have a much much better response i dont even go in with hi my names richard from XYZ just -

Sorry to disturb you i’m just wondering if you have a window cleaner.
Yes --whilst handing the flyer over - “Can I leave you my flyer in case your window cleaner lets you down “
NO –read below¬-
“Would you be interested in using my window cleaner?” (Slight pause whilst making eye contact)
NO- whilst handing the flyer over – “ Can I leave you my flyer incase you change your mind”
Yes or if they pause and let you carry on
Ok , well , what we do is clean your windows  and frames using a telescopic pole which is flooded with  00PM water , water which is purer than the water you drink we will clean the whole windows and the frames and let them dry naturally resulting in a crystal clear streak free finish”
How much would it be –pause and look up at the windows-  Would you like your doors doing too ?
No—see price table above and price accordingly
Ok it would be  £X(see list and price accordingly) which is the whole house including both front and back doors.
Fill out the forms accordingly....    WELL DONE YOU HAVE JUST SIGNED A CUSTOMER.

Short sweet and simple if you put your head to it you can easily and comfortably knock 100+ houses in two hours work.


Re: Man up and Go Canvassing!!
« Reply #15 on: May 10, 2011, 06:45:35 am »
if you go out with a sh17 attitude your results are gunna be sh17.

Go out with a positive attitude and set yourself some goals and achievements. I love canvassing (infact ive just started a new job 11-8 which is soley canvassing).

The attitude i have when knocking the doors is - Im not going to see them again so coundlt care what they thought of me however i give a good impression and they leave with a flyer (cue a phonecall the week the wc lets them down  ;))

if you get straight to the point aswell you will have a much much better response i dont even go in with hi my names richard from XYZ just -

Sorry to disturb you i’m just wondering if you have a window cleaner.
Yes --whilst handing the flyer over - “Can I leave you my flyer in case your window cleaner lets you down “
NO –read below¬-
“Would you be interested in using my window cleaner?” (Slight pause whilst making eye contact)
NO- whilst handing the flyer over – “ Can I leave you my flyer incase you change your mind”
Yes or if they pause and let you carry on
Ok , well , what we do is clean your windows  and frames using a telescopic pole which is flooded with  00PM water , water which is purer than the water you drink we will clean the whole windows and the frames and let them dry naturally resulting in a crystal clear streak free finish”
How much would it be –pause and look up at the windows-  Would you like your doors doing too ?
No—see price table above and price accordingly
Ok it would be  £X(see list and price accordingly) which is the whole house including both front and back doors.
Fill out the forms accordingly....    WELL DONE YOU HAVE JUST SIGNED A CUSTOMER.

Short sweet and simple if you put your head to it you can easily and comfortably knock 100+ houses in two hours work.

I certainly wouldn't use that phrase to try to sell at the doorstep.... ???

bobby p

Re: Man up and Go Canvassing!!
« Reply #16 on: May 10, 2011, 06:56:42 am »
if you look ugly then go the leafletting route- but you must do about a 4 hr stint to get a result , chicken out at 1 or 2 hours and you will never get a good result

 AS posted earlier if you have tattoos cover them all up- i took on a tattood lad,he took to  wearing a jacket plus  jazzy London city boy scarf and he looked as if he was going for a night at the opera ,looked great  -however i later found him laying drunk on the pavement, seemed to not cope very well !

g newton

Re: Man up and Go Canvassing!!
« Reply #17 on: May 10, 2011, 06:57:18 am »
i hate canvassing to but its really the only way to expand
ive been going sinse around last october / november tried leafleting only with not a bad response but then tried leafleting / knocking the next day and had three times more work gained than thro just leafleting
its not that bad just be brief and away to the next house

Pure Glass

  • Posts: 384
Re: Man up and Go Canvassing!!
« Reply #18 on: May 10, 2011, 07:07:45 am »
If it helps, my script is:

Hiya. We're expanding our window cleaning service locally and just wondered if you'd be interested in a price?

Did four hours yesterday and picked up £218, £152 4 wks the rest 8 wks.

That is a record day though. Just be polite, wear your work gear and enthusiastic



  • Posts: 557
Re: Man up and Go Canvassing!!
« Reply #19 on: May 10, 2011, 07:40:16 am »
Don't forget to smile :) and make your initial greeting sincere