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gary hall

  • Posts: 104
What would you do in my position ?
« on: May 09, 2011, 05:49:17 pm »
Hi Guys - need some advice please - did a clean for a lady who had a flat that she leases out (Wembley area.) clean went well , gave her the invoice and she then said that  my fee (£100.00)was  in one of the bed side cabinets ,she went to look for it but said it had gone!!! She then said she had no other form of payment on her and could she send me a cheque in the post ( she her self is based in Yorkshire) I said sure no problem,
Waited for a week - just got off the phone to her and she said that I must have taken it and would not pay me. !!!!!!!!!! I have never been accused of this in all the time I have been cleaning and was shocked to say the least - I never saw any money and would never steal from any one so what would you do ? 

I have contacted the FSB and await a call back from them

I am in a right position in that I can,t prove I did,nt take the money but then again she can,t prove it was there in the first place  but at the end of the day I am owed money for work done - advice please. Gary

Warren Aldridge

  • Posts: 260
Re: What would you do in my position ?
« Reply #1 on: May 09, 2011, 05:55:39 pm »
Get legal on her. She'll settle up.

That or go return the dirt plus some extra through the letter box

gary hall

  • Posts: 104
Re: What would you do in my position ?
« Reply #2 on: May 09, 2011, 06:17:05 pm »
Cheers Warren - brought a smile to my face - I am so F ............................................ed off ,  my reputation means every thing to me  and I have taken this a bit personal as you can imagine -

mark joyce

  • Posts: 201
Re: What would you do in my position ?
« Reply #3 on: May 09, 2011, 06:50:04 pm »
what a cheeky cow try the legal stuff then play real nasty find out letting agent or how she lets it and play stitch up saying that I would be fuming at the accusation never mind the money

getting even could be fun for years lol  you could use it as a stress release  :)


  • Posts: 3183
Re: What would you do in my position ?
« Reply #4 on: May 09, 2011, 06:52:14 pm »
Find someone from this forum based in Yorkshire to deliver her dirt to her.

Seriously  get her told
I clean carpets
I dry Buildings


  • Posts: 11382
Re: What would you do in my position ?
« Reply #5 on: May 09, 2011, 07:00:44 pm »
Last time someone started messing me about defering payment (was a letting agent) I got so angry that I started to take my shirt off and was going to fight him in his office, very childish I know but I was so wound up and anyone who knows me will tell you I am pretty laid back....unless money is involved!


C A Payne

Re: What would you do in my position ?
« Reply #6 on: May 09, 2011, 07:06:52 pm »
seriously, put it down to experience... been cleaning carpets for 17yrs & have been stiched up a few times, its very hurtful, but i'm a great believer in that "a person will reap what they sow", it will catch up with her sooner or later, the legal way is'nt worth it either ie; small claims, your word against her's etc... its important to keep your reputation in tact & not do anything silly that you might regret...  ;D regards Charlie.

mark joyce

  • Posts: 201
Re: What would you do in my position ?
« Reply #7 on: May 09, 2011, 07:09:26 pm »
Karma is a great thing but only if you see it yourself dont just hope for it create it  ;D


Re: What would you do in my position ?
« Reply #8 on: May 09, 2011, 07:31:58 pm »
Its the stress it will cause gary mate.

I have not been in that position before saying i have taken money mind..

good luck

Billy Russell

  • Posts: 1620
Re: What would you do in my position ?
« Reply #9 on: May 09, 2011, 07:40:46 pm »
I can't get the picture of shaun out my head, in the middle of a office taking his shirt off!!!!   ;D for christ sake i hope you didn't show him the glide on the wand!!!!!!!!!  ;D ;D ;D

Colin Day

Re: What would you do in my position ?
« Reply #10 on: May 09, 2011, 07:46:17 pm »
If she had just refused to pay, I'd eventually just put it down to experience and not pursued it, did it last year where I was owed £130.... But being blamed for being a thief is a different kettle of fish in my book....

Make life as difficult as you can for her, the cheeky cow..... >:(

tony bish

  • Posts: 165
Re: What would you do in my position ?
« Reply #11 on: May 09, 2011, 07:56:07 pm »
You do not have to prove your innocence ,she has to prove your guilt .And why did she not say something at the time of the clean that she was unhappy and would call the police, most people would if they thought they had a thief in their house,something a solicitor or legal beaver would be the first to ask her.Sounds like she has done this sort of thing before and it is your good name she has slandered you have not done anything illegal or immoral SHE has ,depending on what way you take this she is clearly in the wrong and legally I would say she has not got a leg to stand on ,and you certainly have nothing to feel bad about,thats what this type of individual rely on someone with a reputation and conscience unlike them  .Do you chalk it to experience or take legal measures ...hard one to call

Paul Heath

  • Posts: 600
Re: What would you do in my position ?
« Reply #12 on: May 09, 2011, 08:02:46 pm »
Its so annoying when something like this happens and really grates....another reason for getting a mobile card machine, nearly everybody has a card of some sort, don't give them a chance to get away with it.
Hope you managed to get it sorted, but i think you might have to put this one down to experience, i;m affraid.

Simon Gerrard

  • Posts: 4405
Re: What would you do in my position ?
« Reply #13 on: May 10, 2011, 09:15:12 am »
If you're in this business for long enough you will come across every type of human being, including those that quite rightly deserve the title of 'a__hole,' this is one of those people.
The trouble is these people know exactly what they are doing and know that if they string you along for long enough but in the end you'll just get fed up of all the hassle and walk away and take it on the chin.
Will you?



Re: What would you do in my position ?
« Reply #14 on: May 10, 2011, 09:41:50 am »
Of course you can 'write it off', or 'put it down to experience',,,but if you do, isn't that just like admitting you're a thief ?, at least in her eyes. No, sue the bitch and recover your costs in doing so, otherwise she will just try the same thing on with the next cleaner she engages


  • Posts: 689
Re: What would you do in my position ?
« Reply #15 on: May 10, 2011, 09:44:16 am »

I think this is some sort of Fraud/Deception & i would be getting the police involved.

NCCA, Woolsafe, IICRC Leather Cleaning Technician

peter maybury

  • Posts: 916
Re: What would you do in my position ?
« Reply #16 on: May 10, 2011, 12:58:28 pm »
This happened to me once and again my reputation is everything, I have pub owners restaunters, shops and all sorts of people trusting me with the keys to their properties. Honesty has got to be unquestionable. The person who accussed me was somebody who had just split up with his wife and was drinking heavily. He said that whilst I and some other cleaning company was on the premises some jewelery went missing. I crime had been commited but he had not reported it to the police. I did and insisted that the police investigate and the accusations were very quickly retracted.
I am on of these people that will lie in bed sweating and seething if somebody is trying to get one over on me, personal pride will not let me allow people to get away with this I have taken numerous people to court and as soon as somebody call me a liar and I can disprove this I will have no hesitaiton in spending a little money to do so knowing that I will get costs awarded by the court. I have a case this mionth which has gone on for 2 years over £110 + v.a.t. where the costs to the customer are now about £500 and if I can get the lying numpty done for purgery I will also push for that.
The problem with the world is that people do let these scum get away with it I will not.  
Do you not know anybody within the police force you can speak with, it is a crime to make false accusations.



Re: What would you do in my position ?
« Reply #17 on: May 10, 2011, 02:09:49 pm »
And the fact remains, she has not paid for work that she contracted you to do.


  • Posts: 5572
Re: What would you do in my position ?
« Reply #18 on: May 10, 2011, 02:44:44 pm »

Print off above form send it of, let the bitch know you have started proceedings against her (enclose a copy if you want) and to expect a court order in the post, she has 14 days to respond.

I bet your money arrives just in time.


  • Posts: 1728
Re: What would you do in my position ?
« Reply #19 on: May 10, 2011, 02:57:09 pm »

I think this is some sort of Fraud/Deception & i would be getting the police involved.


I think Dave is right, it is what I thought straight away. Don't go to the police yet though, but tell her that if you haven't received payment within 7 days at the latest you are going to make a complaint of 'Fraud' against her to the the police.
The police have an obligation to investigate ALL complaints of 'Fraud'.
Dave Lee, Owner of Deepclean Services
Chorley Lancs. Est 1980.
"Pay Cheap -You get Cheap - Pay a little more and get something Better."