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  • Posts: 115
pump problem powerflite pfx 1350
« on: May 05, 2011, 06:14:44 pm »
Looking for some advice, I have a powerflite pfx 1350 and typically enough I travelled about 50 miles in the country to start cleaning a hotel that was closed for the winter and needed the carpets cleaned, sure enough after I finished the diningroom the machine began playing up :'(
Drove back home and a mate was good enough to lend me his machine so i could finish the job. Anyhow what happened was, the machine vacs sounded like they were slowing down, and then one popped I knew it was going to happen, could smell it burning. But the strange thing is that it worked ok for a while, when I ran the remaining vac along with the pump, then it started cutting out after a while and then nothing-nada.
Dropped the machine off to a guy i know who fixes electrical equipment, etc. and he ran the pump for about an hour and said the pump seemed ok to him.
Did a job today and it worked ok, bricking it incase it packed in again. I have the machine about three years and never had the pump serviced because I live over here south west of Ireland and never came across anybody who services carpet cleaning machines over here. I presume I can get a service kit for the pump from amtech and then have the daunting task of putting it in. Has anybody done it and is it a big deal. Sorry This post is a bit long winded ;D

Go on da Leeds


  • Posts: 1054
Re: pump problem powerflite pfx 1350
« Reply #1 on: May 05, 2011, 09:17:58 pm »
If you are not that confident you may find a local hire company or pressure washer supplier might help. My first reaction would be buy a new pump head (or complete pump) and a vac. I know it's expensive but it's something a lot of guys have available on the van ready to fit to avoid breakdowns. Iwould then fit the new pump (or pump head) and send the old pump for servicing to either Amtech or a suitable engineer. 3 years is a while so it wiould probably need it. Vacs could probably do with brushes too if they have done 300+ hours.


  • Posts: 115
Re: pump problem powerflite pfx 1350
« Reply #2 on: May 05, 2011, 10:18:40 pm »
Hi Simon, I already fitted a new vac in place of the older one. I think you might be right about getting new pump, prob good bit of advice. When you say pump head what exactly is that? Is it the piece alongside the motor, if that makes any sense?
Go on da Leeds


  • Posts: 1054
Re: pump problem powerflite pfx 1350
« Reply #3 on: May 05, 2011, 10:58:46 pm »
It depends on the pump, but I'm assuming it's a pumptec like this? That's a complete pump (head plus motor) here is just the head You can seperate the head from the motor but given the first link is the same price as just the head from Amtech..... Have you also had a really good look for any leaks that may have caused the original vac problem check all the coils if you have the perfect heat system.

I use a local supplier for most things or cleansmart in Nottingham just make sure you pack it really well before shipping, get the old one serviced and keep handy.


Re: pump problem powerflite pfx 1350
« Reply #4 on: May 06, 2011, 12:15:09 am »
Industrial Floorcare Belfast can service any make of machine. I know it is probably five or six hours drive from where you live but worth it  to have your machine running perfectly again.


Re: pump problem powerflite pfx 1350
« Reply #5 on: May 06, 2011, 12:25:46 am »
Just to add. Gerry Cullen is the man to talk to, phone 048 9074 9669.

C A Payne

Re: pump problem powerflite pfx 1350
« Reply #6 on: May 06, 2011, 07:47:00 pm »
"sad to say your Powr-flite is on its way to the main land for some servicing & to sweet Sally Mac Lennane" sorry mate i could'nt help meself (pic) i have all my machines serviced every 300hrs, costs a flipping fortune, you'll notice the difference when its done! Charlie. ;)


  • Posts: 115
Re: pump problem powerflite pfx 1350
« Reply #7 on: May 07, 2011, 06:23:28 pm »
Thanks lads for your advice even Charlie -"sad to say your Powr-flite is on its way to the main land for some servicing & to sweet Sally Mac Lennane" very clever!!
Not a big pogues fan just love that pic and he probably better looking than me too :D
Thanks Fintan for that contact great one to have and could prob get the machine dropped off by courier.
Simon I seen that pump a while back as well on Fleabay and thought at the time that it might fit my machine but then forgot about it, cos there was nothing wrong with the machine at the time. So thanks a lot for that and Im going to contact them and see if it will do the job in the powerflite.
As regards the first vac going I think that its time had just come to meet its maker(the "LAMB" of god). The coils around the vacs seem fine but I did have a leak from one of the pipes coming from the pump and it was flowing down one of the holes in the body and out the bottom of the machine but I dont know if it was coming into contact with the vacs. I taped it up and seems to have done the job. Those pipes have unusual connections on them and it doesnt look like they can be undone but Im sure someone will correct me on this.

Go on da Leeds


  • Posts: 781
Re: pump problem powerflite pfx 1350
« Reply #8 on: May 08, 2011, 01:00:58 am »
The pump on ebay is the same , but that puny motor will not suffice.
Resealing pumptecs is very straighforward, just keep a good note of
where everything came from.  Best way is reseal one side at a time
just incase.
At the end of the day a Satisfied Customer is all that counts, They'll come back and so will their friends!!!


  • Posts: 115
Re: pump problem powerflite pfx 1350
« Reply #9 on: May 08, 2011, 11:32:22 am »
Hi AJB, you say The pump on ebay is the same , but that puny motor will not suffice.
Is the motor not 1/2 HP like the original one in the machine?

Go on da Leeds


  • Posts: 781
Re: pump problem powerflite pfx 1350
« Reply #10 on: May 08, 2011, 08:09:06 pm »
No I've heard of several cases where people with, that motor/pump combination
cannot maintain high pressure, usually dropping back to 200 psi or so. The flow at pressure
on the Powrflite is too much for that motor.
At the end of the day a Satisfied Customer is all that counts, They'll come back and so will their friends!!!

Adam Fearnley

  • Posts: 269
Re: pump problem powerflite pfx 1350
« Reply #11 on: May 09, 2011, 12:47:59 pm »
I've stripped that pump head, quite simple really, just had a build up of dirt inside mine because I have a CFR.  You can get the two kits including plunger, cam, seals, valves and everything for around £100.

I can't say it made much difference though, I was having slight loss of pressure but turned out worn jets was the main cause.