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Lee Burbidge

  • Posts: 2287
Toxic windows cleaned by robots.... New
« on: April 29, 2011, 01:22:58 am »
Who would of thought it....... April 2011 hails in the death of human window cleaners only to replace them by robots!

Well, I tell you something if I got the call to go down to Doureay's Prototype Fast Reactor (PFR) site in Caithness........ (that's a nuclear power plant to you and me) to give em a quote for this job, I'd say "get the robot to do it"

The glass in which you view into the cell (they call em Caves) is thick with layers of dust and oxides from sodium metal. Nnnnice :P

If you think Im climbing in there, you got another thing coming. Last time these windows were cleaned was 30 years ago.

30 years ago!!!! I think the old window cleaner is still in there judging by the ash.

Yes, they are indeed using remotely controlled robotic arms to clean the inside dirty side of double glazed shielded glass.

Rumour has it there using household cloths??? I bet the Senior Project Manager's wife is fuming at the fact she cant clean her cooker.

Operations at Dounreay in Caithness ended in 2004 and the entire site is being cleaned up and demolished at a cost of 2.6 Billion. 2.6 Billion? They already have the expolsives.

Alex Pott ( the Senior Project Manager) at Dounreay said " The difference in the glass is striking and what was a hazy reflection is now a clear shinning view into the cell"

Mrs Pott would be pleased.

No thank you, let the robot do it.