A few months back I had this posh lady who always gave me the run-around when it came to getting paid. The final straw was when she left from the front door, when I went to clean around the back.
I didn't know she'd gone, so stood there, knocking and waiting her to answer with the sun beating down on me. I was cross when the penny dropped that she'd buggered off out. In fact I was raging!!!! I late called three times, eventually got paid and never went back.
Yesturday, I was sat having a coke in the car with Wor Lass and this posh lady spots me, smiles, which she never used to do and came around to my side of the car to speak. My window was open a few inches.
'Hello, when are you comming next?' she asks.
'Sorry, Pet, trying to get the payment from you was harder work than doing your windows', I said, quoting a line I'd read from this site.
'Oh, well I wasn't always in', she said. So are you going to clean my windows?', she asked looking a little flustered.
'What do you think?' I asked.
She walked off in the huff.
But I really enjoyed it.
It's one strike and your out now.