I already have a decent upright - a Electrolux Twin Turbo I got via Freecyle. I'll happily use that on large carpeted areas, particularly if it's thick pile. But, a Henry with a different head ought to be pretty good on carpets.
I want something like the Henry for when I clean lots of hard floors and corners. I dust lampshades and ceilings and all sorts of things besides floors. I even hoover out things like ovens before I clean them, etc. I need to be able to change attachments quickly.
I'm now back to wanting a Numatic. Just trying to decide which one, exactly. I'm probably going to get a basic Henry, as then I'll have a bit of money left over in my budget for a turbo head and a longer hose (needed for stairs.) Someone on another forum is ardently telling me that I need to get the 15L numatic because otherwise I won't have anywhere to wrap the longer hose. However if I buy that model, I may not have the money for the longer hose, anyway. LOL.
I appreciate everyone's help. thank you!