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Paul W Jones

  • Posts: 158
Re: is everyone quiet or just me
« Reply #60 on: February 11, 2011, 09:31:47 am »
I'm managing to keep pretty busy thankfully and I'm only here at the moment because my first job isn't until 1230.  Saying that, things definitely do seem much quieter.  The phone is ringing less and the emails have slowed down considerably.  I think you've just got to keep at it and keep doing a good job and, hopefully, things will improve.  This will be my third year in the business and I'm seeing the repeat customers now and it's really pleasing when you get the call from someone you've previously worked for.  They wouldn't call back if they weren't pleased. Recommendations are also providing more and more work which is also good.  The price shoppers are there of course and I really used to beat myself up when I lost a £50.00 job but now I think do I really want them as customers anyway?  We've all just got to keep at it!


  • Posts: 788
Re: is everyone quiet or just me
« Reply #61 on: February 11, 2011, 01:09:20 pm »
Go to your nearest secondary commercial area/suburb, the kind of place where all the shops and busineses are owner operated, NOT  national chains.

Go after 7 at night and leaflet them all . I did this when starting out ,worked wonders.

Then the next night do it again in another area

In fact , since things are so quiet , I think I will do it myself tonight.

is that just an industrial estate?


Re: is everyone quiet or just me
« Reply #62 on: February 11, 2011, 02:45:23 pm »

Interesting comments. from your comments marketing to people with a need is out and selling is in by the sounds of things.


Ian Harper
I guess that was a tongue in cheek moment Ian ;D

I would say that marketing is still the most important factor of all.
Marketing and advertising (however you do it) gets your name known and hopefully brings enquiries in (if not you need to change the marketing etc)
Then selling and wining the work, along with a high standard cleaning service, should all follow closely. Then as you finish with one satisfied customer your marketing should start with them again and so on.........


  • Posts: 492
Re: is everyone quiet or just me
« Reply #63 on: February 11, 2011, 03:14:19 pm »
Well things are really looking up for me and im really optomistic for this year.

Ive managed to get in with a well known local figure, Ive done two single carpet jobs for him then today picked up my first indian resturant through him.

Only problem is some of the stuff coming up he wants me to quote on are probably beyond my equipments capability, might have to start eyeing up a truckmount.

Im still struggling at the minute no where near as busy as id like but like i say im very optomistic.


  • Posts: 3183
Re: is everyone quiet or just me
« Reply #64 on: February 11, 2011, 03:33:32 pm »
Go to your nearest secondary commercial area/suburb, the kind of place where all the shops and busineses are owner operated, NOT  national chains.

Go after 7 at night and leaflet them all . I did this when starting out ,worked wonders.

Then the next night do it again in another area

In fact , since things are so quiet , I think I will do it myself tonight.

is that just an industrial estate?

No a suburb , or the secondary shops , every town and city has them.
I clean carpets
I dry Buildings


Re: is everyone quiet or just me
« Reply #65 on: February 11, 2011, 04:28:00 pm »
Think we have to do the best job we can and get referals and keep the clients that we have already and go the extra yard to do agreat job. :)


  • Posts: 5572
Re: is everyone quiet or just me
« Reply #66 on: February 12, 2011, 10:32:30 am »

There's a lot of chat on here about price and obviously the cheap CC's.

Lots of customers don't care whether you have the latest machines that are all doing and can make a coffee and put the baby to bed all at the same time. They want their carpets cleaned as cheap as they can get it (IN MOST INSTANCES) so yes the cheap brigade may not be your type of customer but they will be someones customer and they may tell their friends about this new cheaper CC, you have loyal customers but they will at least try the cheaper option and while they may not use them again, that's one customer less for you for maybe 6-12 months.

2 brands of sugar in your hand the other is 50p cheaper than your usual brand, do you try it and see if your tea is any different, or stay more expensive for the same thing?

Martin 8)

I agree, most if not all customers could not give a flying toss what machine your using, its other carpet cleaners who have this fixation with their 'equipment'.

Its an old adage but still true today, 'we want the hole not the drill bit'

We have a low priced operator in our area who is very good and knowlegable probably more so than most on here, he's as busy as he wants to be and makes a very comfortable living.

Lets not tar all people with the same  brush.

Steve Gunn

  • Posts: 850
Re: is everyone quiet or just me
« Reply #67 on: February 12, 2011, 11:01:48 am »
Well things are really looking up for me and im really optomistic for this year.

Ive managed to get in with a well known local figure, Ive done two single carpet jobs for him then today picked up my first indian resturant through him.

Only problem is some of the stuff coming up he wants me to quote on are probably beyond my equipments capability, might have to start eyeing up a truckmount.

Im still struggling at the minute no where near as busy as id like but like i say im very optomistic.

Sub it out to me ;D

robert meldrum

  • Posts: 1984
Re: is everyone quiet or just me
« Reply #68 on: February 12, 2011, 11:35:03 am »
Gentlemen and Ladies

You are in the marketing industry.................USE YOUR MOST VALUABLE ASSET!   YOUR LIST !

Send everyone on your list a brief letter with an offer ( short expiry date ) just to stimulate their interest and because of the offer you should get a response.
You MUST give them a reason to call you, eg.

Thank goodness the snow and ice have gone BUT WHAT A MESS IT'S LEFT .......
Don't panic..............WE HAVE A VERY SPECIAL OFFER for our past customers to help get their homes back to normal............................................................     For the next 2 weeks we are offering  MASSIVE 50% (or whatever ) off our normal pricing.  

We've just cleaned our own entrance hall and stairs and it's nice to get back to normal.

Adam P

  • Posts: 1448
Re: is everyone quiet or just me
« Reply #69 on: February 12, 2011, 11:39:33 am »
fantastic idea robert.

robert meldrum

  • Posts: 1984
Re: is everyone quiet or just me
« Reply #70 on: February 12, 2011, 12:02:20 pm »
Can't take the credit...............working the list has been going on for decades by many industries.
Just a case of tweeking to suit each occasion.