ive just swoped over to wfp found my self explaining to custy about wfp more than cleaning windows ihad just finished cleaning round the the back of one house only to find the owner at the front wiping the window with a shammy i had only just told them it would be ok so had to do it again ,qupid stunt
1) Don't say anything to the customer about WFP just carry on as normal.
2) If they do ask just tell them you have invested a lot of money in the system because it gives a better standard
of clean and because its a safer way of working.
3) I just say the windows will be left wet but this is part of the cleaning process and will dry to leave a crystal clear
and smear free finish.
4) If they still dont look convinced give them a surprised look and say "All of my customers think its fantastic and are
really happy with how great their windows look!"