I take my hat off to birdymiller
he is honest and has given WFP a go .... But all that seems to happen is that he gets shot down
Why do people feel that they need to convince WC about WFP if they just do not like it :
There will always be work for trad cleaners and they will pick up work off us WFP and I have picked up work from them
But I do think there is something we need to clear up ... its this thing that trad cleaners think about that because they clean the window right next to it they get perfect results and we don't
I would ask any trad cleaner to ask themselves honestly have they ever been asked to clean inside and seen smears and scuff marks from trad cleaning ... I know I still do from time to time
But they still have trust in there equipment :
and its the same with us wfp cleaners
yes when we leave the window it is still wet but there is nothing stopping us going back to check our work and a good window cleaner will do that wether he is trad or WFP
I will admit that I still make mistakes with the system and leave the odd spot or two and if you were to check my work I bet you would find this But I bet if I was to check trad cleaners work then we would find the odd mark or two as well
and if you see the odd mark from trad or WFP you would put that right :
well thats how I see it