Well Joe if your going to be pedantic I will accept that they were 'consulted'.
Just proves my point I am afraid, you say several months ago they were consulted and then promptly ignored, where in the programme was there any reference to having taken advise from the professional body the NCCA.
You seem happy that 'at least' the BBC knew about them, well they certainly kept it a secret.
Surely Joe you must agree that that far from having a legal bod on, we would all have been much better served and certainly the NCCA to have a qualified carpet cleaner on the programme tearing there ability and business practice to pieces as they do with just about every other scam they unearth, a lawyer could then have been asked there view.
As for myself I have been a member in the past, waste of time and money no benefit at all .
But that is not say thay it could be a major benefit, as I have already said, all is in place but I just see it as a cozy coffee club, you imply that as its voluntary that I and others would not be interested in the decision making which is a bit presumptous of you ,I assume they get paid for running the courses don't they?
Am I up to scratch, yes I could get involved and change a few things but I really do not think they would be interested, by my own admision I am too forthright in my opinions, it would not be appreciated.
But getting back to my original point, you can not be ( I assume your a member) best pleased with the way they failed to get a voice on the programme.