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Two More Vans Nicked
« on: November 13, 2010, 08:08:59 am »
I had to phone up Alexander Swan yesterday, and  was told of two more vans have been nicked. One  in Nottingham and one in Birmingham. The one nicked in Birmingham apparently the lads were working with hoses attached and poles out. Blimey this is getting common, this is bound to hit the insurance premiums.


  • Posts: 1736
Re: Two More Vans Nicked
« Reply #1 on: November 13, 2010, 08:16:12 am »
To be nicked with poles out and working would mean the thieves would have to be bloody quick, which would seem like the keys were in ignition? If that is the case then they really are looking for trouble aren't they. Would they leave their cars on the street with doors unlocked or even open and keys in ignition!!
I never (never say never  :P) leave keys in ignition, and generally keep van locked, But in more remote locations I often leave back doors open, I will from now on though be keeping it locked at all times seeing as this seems to be getting more common.

Nathanael Jones

  • Posts: 5596
Re: Two More Vans Nicked
« Reply #2 on: November 13, 2010, 08:29:37 am »
Utter SCUM the guys doing this.

Problem is, if they get caught in the UK, they'll prob only get 100 hours community service,.... then a new house, disability payments, free counselling and medication, a rehabilitation grant, business startup grant,.............


Re: Two More Vans Nicked
« Reply #3 on: November 13, 2010, 08:34:57 am »
To be nicked with poles out and working would mean the thieves would have to be bloody quick, which would seem like the keys were in ignition? If that is the case then they really are looking for trouble aren't they. Would they leave their cars on the street with doors unlocked or even open and keys in ignition!!
I never (never say never  :P) leave keys in ignition, and generally keep van locked, But in more remote locations I often leave back doors open, I will from now on though be keeping it locked at all times seeing as this seems to be getting more common.
I agree there must be a witness. I thinking of getting a tracker fitted, i have a mate who installs them even he now knows that this is happening. He said when they started to install them on plant Jcbs, 360s, and earth movers they were all recovered within in hours. I know we are talking telephone numbers with that but if this continues our premiums are going to rocket, He also said some plant equipment the insurer will only insure if you have one fitted. I have been Quoted £200 fitted plus £120 per year air time.


  • Posts: 1736
Re: Two More Vans Nicked
« Reply #4 on: November 13, 2010, 08:40:32 am »
I wonder how much the insurance reduction would be?

Perfect Windows

  • Posts: 4178
Re: Two More Vans Nicked
« Reply #5 on: November 13, 2010, 08:44:51 am »
I find it hard to believe that people are leaving vans with the keys in.  Occasional cases notwithstanding, it's nigh on impossible to start a vehicle without the key if it's fitted with an immobiliser (as most are today).

Mine's locked every time I use it and the keys are in a zipped pocket.  Mild inconvenience at times but much better than losing it.  If the keys are in a van and it's nicked, remember that your insurer will probably not pay you as you are expected to take reasonable precautions to prevent theft.


Re: Two More Vans Nicked
« Reply #6 on: November 13, 2010, 08:59:56 am »
most are prob lads just working for some one else so aint bothered if van gets nicked, leave the van running keep it warm,   how many times have you seen a works van sat there running?

Perfect Windows

  • Posts: 4178
Re: Two More Vans Nicked
« Reply #7 on: November 13, 2010, 09:13:53 am »
The one nicked in Birmingham apparently the lads were working with hoses attached and poles out.

Bet that was a shock as the guys were dragged backwards down the street!



  • Posts: 995
Re: Two More Vans Nicked
« Reply #8 on: November 13, 2010, 01:42:46 pm »
Most policys will not pay out if stolen whilst keys in ignition.
In fact years ago direct line used to actually tell you this over the phone before you agreed to cover.

Mr B
If in doubt.....Leave it out !!