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  • Posts: 526
pdf file
« on: November 08, 2010, 03:30:40 pm »
hi guys,
ive downloaded a risk assessment from the documents section which is a pdf file, but how do i edit it so that it contains my details, i have tried and it wont let me delete bits of it
there are more windows than window cleaners so lets help each other


Re: pdf file
« Reply #1 on: November 08, 2010, 05:38:03 pm »
Hi Bill
I thought pdf files were protected to stop people changing them

Paul Coleman

Re: pdf file
« Reply #2 on: November 08, 2010, 05:47:15 pm »
hi guys,
ive downloaded a risk assessment from the documents section which is a pdf file, but how do i edit it so that it contains my details, i have tried and it wont let me delete bits of it

Editing bits of a .pdf file can be tricky.
 without expensive software and/or the source document.
There may well be a better way but one way of doing it would be as follows.
Open the .pdf file.
Then while it is still highlighted, click EDIT>COPY.
Open up a blank notepad file (or a text editor of some sort) and paste it all in.  You will lose all the formatting but it shouldn't be too much of a problem getting it back.
When you've got the document in your own word processor, make sure you save a copy of it.  You can even re-convert it back to .pdf one you have made the changes.

ant french

Re: pdf file
« Reply #3 on: November 08, 2010, 06:03:17 pm »


  • Posts: 558
Re: pdf file
« Reply #4 on: November 08, 2010, 06:38:46 pm »
hi guys,
ive downloaded a risk assessment from the documents section which is a pdf file, but how do i edit it so that it contains my details, i have tried and it wont let me delete bits of it

Editing bits of a .pdf file can be tricky.
 without expensive software and/or the source document.
There may well be a better way but one way of doing it would be as follows.
Open the .pdf file.
Then while it is still highlighted, click EDIT>COPY.
Open up a blank notepad file (or a text editor of some sort) and paste it all in.  You will lose all the formatting but it shouldn't be too much of a problem getting it back.
When you've got the document in your own word processor, make sure you save a copy of it.  You can even re-convert it back to .pdf one you have made the changes.

well done paul - im doing one as i type - just saved me hours typing up a new one - top man good tip
John Malone
JSM. Window & General Cleaning
(  North Wales  )
Giving homes a shine sicne 1989

one of the early gang of wfp er's ---- remember , when you cant see out - give JSM a shout


  • Posts: 526
Re: pdf file
« Reply #5 on: November 09, 2010, 12:12:02 am »
dont kno i this works
thanks paul, i did this before posting here but as you say you lose all the formatting, i thought there must be an easier way otherwise whats the point of someone putting a pdf file in the documents section if its tricky to use
there are more windows than window cleaners so lets help each other

Paul Coleman

Re: pdf file
« Reply #6 on: November 09, 2010, 06:12:25 am »
dont kno i this works
thanks paul, i did this before posting here but as you say you lose all the formatting, i thought there must be an easier way otherwise whats the point of someone putting a pdf file in the documents section if its tricky to use

I suppose that one point of it would be to save re-typing all the text  :) .
Unfortunately word processor formats are banned from uploading.  I assume this is because some of them can carry viruses - particularly the macro viruses that can be in a .doc file.
The .rtf format is OK I think.  Don't think that viruses can go in those (I could be wrong) and the formatting usually keeps reasonably OK.