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  • Posts: 8
Chasing E O T contracts
« on: November 05, 2010, 05:58:39 pm »
Hi folks, in a bit of a pickle!

I am in the process of putting together information required by a few letting agencies that I have contacted hoping to be put on their database of cleaners for EOTs.

I would be so very grateful for extra advice on the best way to make an impression(apart from competitive pricing)the actual lay out of good pricing matrix which I'm still working on as  I obviously don't wish to undercut myself(as it's hard graft) or over price to scare them off!

I have simply been asked to forward on:
1)Proof of liability insurances &

Would you just take the initiative and also forward on T&Cs (would anyone like to share this with me so I can compare to mine)?
There seem to be lots of established companies on this forum & I would genuinly appreciate some useful guidance! ???

Do you think it is best to email(cheaper) or post the info required & is there any additional documentation that may help impress them at early stage? Also would you include an introductory letter or is this not necessary following a phone call ?

Basically- what is the best procedures to make good impression to help win contracts  ;D





Pristine Clean

  • Posts: 1149
Re: Chasing E O T contracts
« Reply #1 on: November 06, 2010, 03:51:29 pm »
Hi Yvonne,

Have you any experience in EOT Cleans with letting agents.

Do you understand there checkout reports.

If so you probably know that most are looking for the best possible clean at the best Value possible. By that I mean the cheapest price for a superb clean.

As I am sure you are aware they put the charge on top.

Yes send them your insurance details and a price list for EOTs on a regular basis. Remember you will get more work if you are competitive.

It is fine people on here saying "Oh that's to cheap" Try some varied priced with different agents see what seems to attract there attention.

Send them a cover letter if you have not already done so.

Best of luck


"You have to except that some days you are the statue and other days you are a pigeon"


  • Posts: 8
Re: Chasing E O T contracts
« Reply #2 on: November 07, 2010, 06:17:28 pm »
Hi Dave,

thank  you for the taking time to reply  ;D, I will do just that with prices to help weigh up what is considered reasonable rates in this area! I will also have a bash at nice intro letter. 

Yes I am aware of a standard checklist of deep cleaning tasks involved for eot cleans, but on saying this if you happen to have the low-down on an actual agents'Checkout Report' to help me  decipher if Im actually missing out on something crucial, this could be beneficial & I woud be ever so grateful?




Pristine Clean

  • Posts: 1149
Re: Chasing E O T contracts
« Reply #3 on: November 08, 2010, 08:25:10 am »
The checkout reports vary from every house or flat. It lists what is required for it to "Pass" so the next tenant can move in or others shown the property.

What you do need is to make sure of is there any other tasks they expect to be done that are not on the checkout report.

Window cleaning is carried out both internal and external on our work but may not be required on yours. So you have to price for the work.

We also carry out on nearly all of our EOT's is carpet cleaning. So on each one it is strongly advised to check with them what there specification are.

"You have to except that some days you are the statue and other days you are a pigeon"


  • Posts: 8
Re: Chasing E O T contracts
« Reply #4 on: November 08, 2010, 12:02:39 pm »
Once again thank you for this Dave,
I do have a qualified carpet cleaner & window cleaner for these additonal services, so  I guess it's a case of clarifying with the client their cleaning expectations/tasks, then price accordingly.


Vonny  ;D

Ps. Presumed with there being so 'many' cleaning companies visiting the forum that a few more would offer their views & guidance as every little bit helps a new starter!??  Guess early days yet!   :)