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  • Posts: 3029
Cancellation! peed off.
« on: November 03, 2010, 12:11:44 am »
Was cleaning one of my large houses in a really nice part of london, a lovely lady came out looking at me working fully uniformed etc,

so she asked me to clean hers right next door thats 2 large houses dont often happen like this i was happy cleaned it explained that its a bloody 8 weekly price not a one off she was yes great ,no problem,
she seems like such a professional person i couldn't dream of her pulling of that one clean crap

I even went in her house did a few inside for free just to keep her sweet,

Cut to the chase i do keep the call before clean low but i do need to call large houses as most have access issues , so she said, "No we are ok thanks"

WTF I was pssssssssed i said err dont you remember this price was for a 2 monthly not a one of a one off would be 3x infact i wouldnt have wasted my time.

So may i ask whats the reason??etc

Yea she says im not convinced with the system you are using...

i said what WFP and tradishonal methods? what seems to be the problem which windows were not cleaned to a good standard? please let me come and demonstrate that there is no problem.

She could not give me a reason what so ever and no windows had anything wrong with them and her only reason is look im trying to be polite but i dont think your system works it may look clean but it is not.

She give me no notice no reason uncooperative

Basically she messed me around.......... a person who i thought would not

This just proves that im going to take a deposit now from all customers the ones that i approach or the ones that approach me.

Either that or they must sign a contract im sick of p takers and bullcrap

why cant they say "sorry i only wanted the thick dirt of from last year at your round price" such lies i cant stand any more makes me sick, "bad cleaning method oh husband lost his job" its bull crap please you are sitting pretty in a 6 figure 3 story house with massive garden and 5 bedrooms.

I wish people would just be honest and say in the start i only want 1 clean not have me write down everything on my leaflet have them agree then be told No the day before i am due Aaaaaaarrrrrrrrggggg

when things like this happen it puts me off window cleaning for 1 week it makes me question my business i really think i should prepare an A4 sheet with simple contract at least which ties them down to the front that or taking deposits then giving the deposit back on the 6th or 12th clean

G Griffin

  • Posts: 40745
Re: Cancellation! peed off.
« Reply #1 on: November 03, 2010, 12:27:40 am »
So what you saying?  ;D


  • Posts: 3029
Re: Cancellation! peed off.
« Reply #2 on: November 03, 2010, 12:30:51 am »
Im saying im losing sleep about it lol! bloody £40 house of my books well i did pick up a £8 small bay front! so im £32 down :( its all 8 weekly so im down £16 per month wahaha  >:(

G Griffin

  • Posts: 40745
Re: Cancellation! peed off.
« Reply #3 on: November 03, 2010, 12:38:05 am »
Don`t let the bleeders get you down.
I bet she`s not losing any sleep over it.


  • Posts: 3029
Re: Cancellation! peed off.
« Reply #4 on: November 03, 2010, 12:45:42 am »

Just i was buzzing that day 2 big houses next to each other and i got now to replace it is a little front half a mile away ;/

the bfg

Re: Cancellation! peed off.
« Reply #5 on: November 03, 2010, 06:00:23 am »
not being funny mate but you come across desperate and very pushy and if thats the case then you wont appeal to a lot of potential customers.

we all get that problem of people saying they want a regualer clean but only have the 1st clean,  thats part and parcel of this business and you need to just take it in your stride otherwise you really are in the wrong job.

good luck with getting domestic customers to sign a contract or pay a deposit but is that good business ?

I also do a £40 house that originally wanted every 6 weeks, however its more like every 6 months and why ?

well because when I do get asked to clean them they still look clean and no I wont drop this customer, why should ?   the way I look at it £80 a year is better than £0 a year  and its next door to 2 other customers.

And even though I havent had any CAN YOU LEAVE IT UNTIL SPRING requests ( yet )  I am still expecting some and for that I have an honest reply waiting for them, not a smug reply just an honest one.

oh can you leave it now until spring ?

yeah sure but I cant guarantee you I can do it then as my order book if filling up fast with all year round customers and when its full its full and I wont be taking any other work on,   so why lose a quality reliable  service from a w/c you have come to know and trust  for the sake of a few months ?

I don't know what their response will be but I'm sure my honesty will convince some to stay.

bobby p

Re: Cancellation! peed off.
« Reply #6 on: November 03, 2010, 06:51:38 am »
the secret is to always appear you arent gagging for the job.  make them be the gagger and  it all flows along easier

i made the mistake with getting off on the wrong foot with a few on my round at the start , this is why i recently  dropped all the customers from my house list who i was ringing or texting the night before . i had  become the "gagger" to these folk and they felt entitled to mess me around.   let them now ring me . 


  • Posts: 25133
Re: Cancellation! peed off.
« Reply #7 on: November 03, 2010, 08:16:55 am »
not being funny mate but you come across desperate and very pushy and if thats the case then you wont appeal to a lot of potential customers.

we all get that problem of people saying they want a regualer clean but only have the 1st clean,  thats part and parcel of this business and you need to just take it in your stride otherwise you really are in the wrong job.

good luck with getting domestic customers to sign a contract or pay a deposit but is that good business ?

I also do a £40 house that originally wanted every 6 weeks, however its more like every 6 months and why ?

well because when I do get asked to clean them they still look clean and no I wont drop this customer, why should ?   the way I look at it £80 a year is better than £0 a year  and its next door to 2 other customers.
And even though I havent had any CAN YOU LEAVE IT UNTIL SPRING requests ( yet )  I am still expecting some and for that I have an honest reply waiting for them, not a smug reply just an honest one.

oh can you leave it now until spring ?

yeah sure but I cant guarantee you I can do it then as my order book if filling up fast with all year round customers and when its full its full and I wont be taking any other work on,   so why lose a quality reliable  service from a w/c you have come to know and trust  for the sake of a few months ?

I don't know what their response will be but I'm sure my honesty will convince some to stay.

That bit I've highlighted in red - and when Mrs leave it for 6 months tells her neighbours and they do the same you'll possibly regret your decision.

Get a full round and you'll more readily drop the messers.
It's a game of three halves!


  • Posts: 6824
Re: Cancellation! peed off.
« Reply #8 on: November 03, 2010, 08:49:58 am »
Treat em mean, keep em keen

the bfg

Re: Cancellation! peed off.
« Reply #9 on: November 03, 2010, 08:54:31 am »
not being funny mate but you come across desperate and very pushy and if thats the case then you wont appeal to a lot of potential customers.

we all get that problem of people saying they want a regualer clean but only have the 1st clean,  thats part and parcel of this business and you need to just take it in your stride otherwise you really are in the wrong job.

good luck with getting domestic customers to sign a contract or pay a deposit but is that good business ?

I also do a £40 house that originally wanted every 6 weeks, however its more like every 6 months and why ?

well because when I do get asked to clean them they still look clean and no I wont drop this customer, why should ?   the way I look at it £80 a year is better than £0 a year  and its next door to 2 other customers.
And even though I havent had any CAN YOU LEAVE IT UNTIL SPRING requests ( yet )  I am still expecting some and for that I have an honest reply waiting for them, not a smug reply just an honest one.

oh can you leave it now until spring ?

yeah sure but I cant guarantee you I can do it then as my order book if filling up fast with all year round customers and when its full its full and I wont be taking any other work on,   so why lose a quality reliable  service from a w/c you have come to know and trust  for the sake of a few months ?

I don't know what their response will be but I'm sure my honesty will convince some to stay.

That bit I've highlighted in red - and when Mrs leave it for 6 months tells her neighbours and they do the same you'll possibly regret your decision.

Get a full round and you'll more readily drop the messers.

Naa  I'm happy with the way I run my round,   

Rayleigh Window Cleaning Services

  • Posts: 332
Re: Cancellation! peed off.
« Reply #10 on: November 03, 2010, 05:10:03 pm »
ALWAYS ALWAYS ask " Is this to be a regular clean or cleaned ;) every now and again" that way you price accordingly and no disappointment, everyone happy. ;)

john tomkins

  • Posts: 1639
Re: Cancellation! peed off.
« Reply #11 on: November 03, 2010, 05:24:10 pm »
ALWAYS ALWAYS ask " Is this to be a regular clean or cleaned ;) every now and again" that way you price accordingly and no disappointment, everyone happy. ;)

You obviously missed

Was cleaning one of my large houses in a really nice part of london, a lovely lady came out looking at me working fully uniformed etc,

so she asked me to clean hers right next door thats 2 large houses dont often happen like this i was happy cleaned it explained that its a bloody 8 weekly price not a one off she was yes great ,no problem,she seems like such a professional person i couldn't dream of her pulling of that one clean crap

I even went in her house did a few inside for free just to keep her sweet,

Cut to the chase i do keep the call before clean low but i do need to call large houses as most have access issues , so she said, "No we are ok thanks"

WTF I was pssssssssed i said err dont you remember this price was for a 2 monthly not a one of a one off would be 3x infact i wouldnt have wasted my time.


  • Posts: 2561
Re: Cancellation! peed off.
« Reply #12 on: November 03, 2010, 08:23:06 pm »
New cleans that are black get charged double,,,,that way if they decieve you into a one off clean with their bulls**t at least you've covered the extra time spent on initial clean.

Negotiate terms of cleaning clearly so they understand before you start the job.

Or catch them at their own game and ask if it's an end of tenancy clean or just a one off because they may have guests coming. Ask them questions whilst you're cleaning to get a feel if they are gonna mess you around at a later date.


  • Posts: 3029
Re: Cancellation! peed off.
« Reply #13 on: November 04, 2010, 01:00:28 am »
Thanks for all feedback,

Bobby its so true if i just turned up cleaned the front if her gate was lock she would have most likely sent me a cheque for the front all this calling is bullpoope,by calling it makes them think you need them and they do take advantage and mess you about.

windowswashed ye 2x rule that sounds good but i kinda feel bad taking 2x money when i would be happy to do it for one, but end of the day i think you are right that way if i get this crap after 1st clean at least im covered.

Bfg i do like your tactic with how your round may be full it for sure will convince , but i think 75% or more may agree with gold . you see if i start doing that i know for sure the neighbours will talk and then im doing everyone 2 times a year in that street or they call me when they want me, in other words they are running my bushiness and not pleased it works for you thou i wouldnt dare thou.
By the way i was not desperate or pushy but when i get stitched up for one clean
i guess get annoyed and tell the customer why have you done this to me lol :).

Im over it now lol infact i was home nice and early for a change today cos of not cleaning her house i thought id treat myself to an early day!

pleased i skipped all that horrible tube strike traffic oh and the Chelsea game made it even worse i was out on my bike just after i got back the traffic was insane out of this world!


  • Posts: 3503
Re: Cancellation! peed off.
« Reply #14 on: November 04, 2010, 03:20:03 pm »
That bit I've highlighted in red - and when Mrs leave it for 6 months tells her neighbours and they do the same you'll possibly regret your decision.

Get a full round and you'll more readily drop the messers.

Very true Gold, when I first started I had three customers in this close.
One asked if I could do the tops only. I needed the work and agreed.
The following month her next door neibour ask me to do the same.
I was trad then, lesson learned, dumped the close.

A & J Owen Window Cleaning

  • Posts: 2192
Re: Cancellation! peed off.
« Reply #15 on: November 04, 2010, 03:26:53 pm »
Any 'wait till Spring' are being told that it's treated as a cancellation and that we will be replacing them  - bill arrive in winter same as rest of the year.To survive we need regulars not messers - simples :)

Matthew JN

Re: Cancellation! peed off.
« Reply #16 on: November 04, 2010, 03:52:45 pm »
Crystal i don't think you come across as desperatate and pushy, that is a little unfair.   I think you are spot on to be a bit annoyed by this customer. What she did is take you for unprofessional - (probably stereo typing window cleaners maybe - thinking easy come easy go etc.)

What i do is i have a quote form with my t & c s clearly laid out underneath, and i make any new residential customer sign and date their agreement to this before  i do any work for them. 

I tell potential customers to be honest about what they want, and if they say they want what i call 'round service' i.e. Initial clean then maintenance cleans every 7-8 weeks then i have a minimum term of service which is the initial clean plus 5 consecutive maintenance cleans at the agreed schedule.

Then you can price accordingly for one-off, quarterly, bi-annual, round service, whatever. Trust me it works if you present yourself in the right way m8.


  • Posts: 37
Re: Cancellation! peed off.
« Reply #17 on: November 04, 2010, 04:18:39 pm »
mate its the old saying! those with money dont like spending it! thats why theyve got it in the first place n ive bin there but the way i look at it they will need u before u need them! n if they ask agen jus put in a high price and if they say anything then just say thats because u were lied to in the first place :)


Re: Cancellation! peed off.
« Reply #18 on: November 04, 2010, 04:52:50 pm »
is the glass half full or half empty ? you were there anyway doing next door, although annoying you did'nt have a wasted journey to be knocked back on the second visit, was by phone (its always easier to say no on the phone)

view each new prospective regular customer as a one off, they are as much an unknown stranger to you as you are to them. If they become regulars and you dont get the mess around, happy days  :D ;D

I've just recently cancelled my gym membership as I did'nt get along there enough to warrant the cost, I was bound into a minimum 3 month contract by direct debit before I could cancel. A new gym is in my town with no minimum contract, simply a monthly fee. If I ever feel the urge to torture myself again in the evenings after a hard days work, guess which one I'll be joining ?

Living costs are high, job security issues for those employed, we are all shopping for the best deal, its a sign of the times that there will be "messers", I also think that wfp has bumped up the price of what window cleaners expect to earn , due to their investment, customers unfortunately do not see it this way.


  • Posts: 423
Re: Cancellation! peed off.
« Reply #19 on: November 04, 2010, 05:06:48 pm »
this sort of thing does happen now and then and custys are full of surprises.dont dwell on it and move on .