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  • Posts: 4
Carpet cleaning business
« on: October 27, 2010, 12:12:45 pm »
I posted this in the forum below, but was told I may get a better response if I posted it here instead.

Hi all, first post.

As the title says - my brother and are thinking about starting a carpet cleaning business. My brother has experience in this as he did it as a side-job but didn't really try to push it as it wasn't his primary income so was just happy with any carpet cleaning jobs that came his way.

I'd like to hear from those of you who have your own carpet cleaning business; how difficult you found it, whether you think you made the right choice in doing this, how long it took for it to really get going. Those of you who have made a success of it, what kind of money are you earning? (if that's not too cheeky to ask  )

And those of you who are struggling, do you see it getting any better?

And if you have any advice you'd like to give, I'd love to hear it.

I've searched the forum but haven't really found any answers to these questions.

Thank you for reading (fingers crossed for some help/replies) 

Colin Day

Re: Carpet cleaning business
« Reply #1 on: October 27, 2010, 12:48:45 pm »
I would make use of the "Search" facility for a more comprehensive insight and search specific areas that interest you....

In a nut shell, some have suggested it'll take 5 years to build a good customer base, providing you strive to do a professional job...

In the 2 and a half years I've been a carpet cleaner, it has been a roller coaster of a ride and I've seen times when I've thought about throwing the towel in.... At the moment.... everything's just dandy :)

Welcome to CIU by the way and good luck should you decide to go ahead with your new venture....



  • Posts: 373
Re: Carpet cleaning business
« Reply #2 on: October 27, 2010, 02:07:52 pm »
hi marc
welcome to the world of carpet and upholstery cleaning.
i think doing it as a sideline and trying to pay wages for 2 people are 2 totally different things and something you should not look on as a get rich quick scheme.
if its something you are serious about there is a lot of leg work to do, a lot of sleepless nights ahead and as stated in the previous post a whole roller coaster of highs lows and shall i or shant i  ahead of you.
get yourself as much training as possible so that the customers are confident that you know what your talking about, then prepare for the next 2-3 years of constant marketing and knock backs, and wondering how the hell you're gonna pay the bills.
we're just going into year 3 and thankfully we are starting to see results for the sacrifices we have made, with most bookings now coming from referrals and repeats.
we still get weeks where the fone doesnt ring and the bottom lip starts to quiver but as ive said before on this forum, if your not busy, make yourself LOOK busy, get in the van and drive around knocking doors if need be.
a van parked on yor drive for days on end doesnt fill customers with confidence whereas a van seen constantly out n about says busy busy and makes people wanna know who and what they are missing.
And finally........ treat every client, no matter how dirty and minging the job may be, like royalty, you want them to be happy in the service you provide and good PR is a must for recommendations.
glad to offer any advice if needed number is on website feel free to call.

Matt Seymour

  • Posts: 762
Re: Carpet cleaning business
« Reply #3 on: October 27, 2010, 11:53:32 pm »
Hi Marc,

I am relatively new to the business and started out on my own a short while ago.

I suppose the most important thing to bear in mind is that it's always difficult in the first year of business - even more so when you start up in a recession and in an industry where a large amount of the work you get is either repeat business or referrals.

You basically have to take work from already established carpet cleaners who have been doing it for years and have built up a customer base and that's not easy. Getting customers to choose you is what it's all about. Advertising and marketing yourself is very important. I've made a couple of mistakes with this.

First off though if you haven't cleaned carpets before get some training. Most would recommend the NCCA course, but there are plenty of others that are perfectly ok. First and foremost you need to provide a good service and do a quality job so people will refer you and get you back time after time.

I would probably say that I am struggling a bit at the moment but I expected this. Identifying what it is you are doing wrong and changing it is key to survivial. Be prepared for some hard work.

ryan mca

  • Posts: 158
Re: Carpet cleaning business
« Reply #4 on: October 30, 2010, 10:01:21 pm »

 Hi Mark
Take a long look in the mirror then go and write down the minimum you need to earn a week to survive
dont cheat and remember to to count bills you pay annually then go back to the mirror and look again
and see if you can live with your figures when I done my business plan I decided to take a part time job
and carpet clean been going 6 months and very happy best advice I can give you contact business
gateway see there advisor and do sales & marketing then business planning cources. If you decide
to go ahead I use 2 very good suppliers cleansmart (nottingham) and restoromate (gateshead)
and remember if you can get good equipment second hand this will save you a lot if your budget
is tight,
    best of luck


  • Posts: 11382
Re: Carpet cleaning business
« Reply #5 on: October 30, 2010, 10:58:51 pm »
Hello Mark1867 (must be a Wednesday fan)

I'm from Sheffield also, anyway, to work out how much to charge you look at what you are earning and also your brother per annum add together divide by 46 actual working weeks and that's just a for your earnings don't forget your costs are on top.

Costs are an ongoing thing and although you may have bought your machinery and van with this years savings from your present job you need to be saving for your next machine as it works out way.

You need plenty of working capital to start as you may not get a wage for months, it took me 5 years to get a decent regular wage but they do say it can be done in 2 albeit 2 of you may take somewhere inbetween.

Cheap carpet cleaning is great for today but you'll have trouble making it pay into next week there's not enough 'fat' to make it through the lean months, have a word with Paul at Ace Janitorial on Attercliffe Road he has some 2nd hand gear usually.



Re: Carpet cleaning business
« Reply #6 on: November 01, 2010, 08:08:41 am »

your question should not to be to us but to the market itself. demand is the path to profit. you should be looking into ways of testing the market in your area. what marketing you would use, do you want to invest large amount of money in marketing or do it as cheap as pos?

It will take you 3 to 5 yrs to get established how will you manage?

what will make you stand out in your area (USP)

you know your own good points but you will have weak areas also how will you get help with these/

These should be just some of the question you need to ask yourself first.

Carpet cleaning is 50% cleaning and 50% marketing. every week you need to get work for the following weeks. and there will be in the early years a cost to every prospect and customer.

Hope this helps

Ian Harper


  • Posts: 4
Re: Carpet cleaning business
« Reply #7 on: November 01, 2010, 07:52:07 pm »
Thank you to every one of you. Some really helpful posts, all of them. Just the kind I was looking for! Very much appreciated.

I just have another question - for those of you who do own your own carpet cleaning business, is that all that your cleaning business involves or do you do any other kind of cleaning? And with regards to marketing, any advice there?

Once again, thank you.

P.S Shaun, I am indeed a Wednesday fan! and I'm not looking forward to tomorrow night! lol


Re: Carpet cleaning business
« Reply #8 on: November 02, 2010, 05:45:09 am »

as i said in the first 3 to 5 yrs you will need to find ways to get by.


Joe H

Re: Carpet cleaning business
« Reply #9 on: November 02, 2010, 07:54:17 am »

I just have another question - for those of you who do own your own carpet cleaning business, is that all that your cleaning business involves or do you do any other kind of cleaning? And with regards to marketing, any advice there?

Some on here are "pure" carpet cleaning, and that includes upholstery cleaning and even leather cleaning (more training).
Others diversify - Colin Day has oven cleaning, Mike Halliday does patio cleaning - both require more equipment. With me carpet cleaning was a side earner until say 6 years ago. My main business was, and I still do it, was house cleaning, I have done a lot of it personally but now have persons within the business. i am not suggesting you have persons working for you because you ar then into insurance to cover employees and lots of other things. But you can do it, or office cleaning - usually evenings or morning. That way you can do that then move onto carpet cleans during the day.
I have even been know to tidy a few gardens - even though I am definately not a gardener. Just tidy up at the end of season (you missed it) or at beginning of season (next April on) and keep lawns cut - especially pensioners etc - but I never charged much for them .
Self employed you can do anything - and you thenhave the opportunity to sell your other services - free advertising.

Linds Russell

  • Posts: 302
Re: Carpet cleaning business
« Reply #10 on: November 02, 2010, 08:01:30 am »
My advice is that actions speak louder than words. In my first six months, if I wasn't cleaning carpets or suites, I was out at all times of the day in all weathers posting leaflets. I put thousands out on my own and the return was good. I was knackered but I knew that I was building a good business and that motivated me even more.

I couldn't afford to pay someone to do it and it drove me to get out there because I knew that nobody was going to do it for me. You will get bombarded with people offering you advertising space but be careful with what you go into.

Good luck because if you get it right, you will enjoy it.

Colin Day

Re: Carpet cleaning business
« Reply #11 on: November 02, 2010, 08:30:41 am »
Got to agree with Hydro Kleen, especially about being bombarded with 21 year old know it all sales reps selling advertising space....

My first year I had to work for nearly 2 weeks just to pay my advertising costs.... :o :o :o