Read that Carl, again very good.
The thing is about our anecdotes compared to yours is that they are seldom gentle.Ours rely mainly on the stupidity or mean spiritedness of our customers, or their come uppance.A tale of a four hundred pounds day doesn't really get you rooting for the little guy.
For Steve Jobbs to make his huge come back from near oblivion 'toy story' had to be a tidal wave.But test audiences didn't buy it.It had to be rewritten.The problem was that audiences did not indentify with the woody character and did not engage with his later perils and misfortune.The beginning was made longer and we were able to get to know woody better, to love him, this solved the problem, and jobbs was able to leverage this into winning back apple and taking over disney.
See, after he'd got his blogg sorted the ipod,ipad, and itunes were easy peasey.