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  • Posts: 28
reverse osmosis systems
« on: January 06, 2004, 12:38:51 am »
could anybody help me.have just purchased a second hand system off a friend.six stage filter system,yet when i test the water with me tdi meter,it reads 00.1.
is this low enough to clean windows with or does it need to be 000.

Mikey Warner

  • Posts: 254
Re: reverse osmosis systems
« Reply #1 on: January 06, 2004, 12:42:53 am »
Brownie, I would ask Peterf on this forum, He's a diamond geezer and gives you info in plain english and no plugs. (Not mentioning no names) ;) ;D



  • Posts: 28
Re: reverse osmosis systems
« Reply #2 on: January 06, 2004, 01:10:47 am »
thanks very much for that.!


  • Posts: 2854
Re: reverse osmosis systems
« Reply #3 on: January 06, 2004, 01:16:46 am »
tdi meter must not go above 005, 001 is ok for now but keep your eye on it, iam at 001 at the mo, its fine, hope this helps.

fed member


  • Posts: 28
Re: reverse osmosis systems
« Reply #4 on: January 06, 2004, 01:26:48 am »
still dont know why its reading 001 and 002.its a six stage unit with new filters and a new meter.
i hav just got my water fed pole system and have been filling up my tanks via a resin catridge and got a reading of 000.
but now im making it at home in 1000 ltr tank with 6 stage system and getting 001-002,well cheesed off.
need to know if this is good enough or do i need a polisher ?.......might send it back .

Peter Fogwill

  • Posts: 1415
Re: reverse osmosis systems
« Reply #5 on: January 06, 2004, 02:35:53 am »
still dont know why its reading 001 and 002.its a six stage unit with new filters and a new meter.
i hav just got my water fed pole system and have been filling up my tanks via a resin catridge and got a reading of 000.
but now im making it at home in 1000 ltr tank with 6 stage system and getting 001-002,well cheesed off.
need to know if this is good enough or do i need a polisher ?.......might send it back .

Firstly 001 or 002 is fine for cleaning windows, mostly I have heard that single figures is fine.

Where are you testing the water about, if you are testing it from the tank maybe the tank is contaminated, try testing the water straight from the system.

Does your DI last stage have the rubber washers in place? Are they damaged? Maybe some water is getting through without passing through the resin.

Do you have it going through a DI cartridge after the RO? If so and you have checked the above, the resin probably needs renewed, if not then add the one you have already, and it will bring it down to 0.  You can always add your DI on anyway even if you already have one, and you will have a 7-stage system instead of a six-stage system.


Peter Fogwill

  • Posts: 1415
Re: reverse osmosis systems
« Reply #6 on: January 06, 2004, 02:38:08 am »
still dont know why its reading 001 and 002.its a six stage unit with new filters and a new meter.
i hav just got my water fed pole system and have been filling up my tanks via a resin catridge and got a reading of 000.
but now im making it at home in 1000 ltr tank with 6 stage system and getting 001-002,well cheesed off.
need to know if this is good enough or do i need a polisher ?.......might send it back .

Or your meter could be faulty.



  • Posts: 28
Re: reverse osmosis systems
« Reply #7 on: January 06, 2004, 08:30:42 pm »
thanks for your reply testing straight from the supply,but will have a look at the problem solving that you gave me. will end up proberbly adding the di cartridge to make seven filter system.
its still odd though cause im up in lancs were its pretty soft water,but anyway thanks.


Re: reverse osmosis systems
« Reply #8 on: January 06, 2004, 08:35:45 pm »
Where abouts in Lancs are you Im in  sunny Fleetwood ;D 8)


  • Posts: 28
Re: reverse osmosis systems
« Reply #9 on: January 06, 2004, 09:29:48 pm »
its a small world majestic.
i played football for fleetwood town for the last 6 years.played until march last year then retired after cup game.
i know another window cleaner up there,well maybe ex now.his name briggsy,blonde hair,loved himself.
im in blackburn,sunny blackburn.
got to watch a film now with missus, shes doin her nut.c.u soon.

Jeff Brimble

  • Posts: 4347
Re: reverse osmosis systems
« Reply #10 on: January 07, 2004, 09:40:15 pm »
What is the tds reading of your mains tap water ?
Jeff Brimble


  • Posts: 28
Re: reverse osmosis systems
« Reply #11 on: January 09, 2004, 12:53:24 am »
jeff,my mains tap reading is 0.75 up in lancs.
just found out its probs cause im doin the frames and windows only once,still rinsing well but not allowing for the drips.

Jeff Brimble

  • Posts: 4347
Re: reverse osmosis systems
« Reply #12 on: January 09, 2004, 01:38:35 am »
I used to live in Blackpool , maybe salt is adding to your problems.
Dirt of any sort which is always on the brush can add to spotting problems. Clean a window thoroughly With squeegee etc so it is ultra clean then spray some RO water from a clean spray bottle and check the results when dry this will prove to yourself that the spots dont come from the RO/DI water most of your problems come from the brush head. You could try cleaning them all then leaving them for a bit to sheet  off and going back to do them again this dilutes the dirt to acceptable levels. I only use about 1 litre per minute for my back pack system. You do not need pressure just flow.
Jeff Brimble


  • Posts: 28
Re: reverse osmosis systems
« Reply #13 on: January 09, 2004, 01:55:42 am »
cheers jeff, u may hav apoint cause my round is 18 miles off southport way and with the winds get sand quite often.something to think about, cheers
i know it sounds harsh but i will hate to have to do all my houses twice over or until they have stopped dripping,still not happy with results but people keep telling me persist,and after 2 or 3 they will cum good,but at 4-6 pound a house in this day and age if a job isnt done right you dont pay them,.....and i have gone back in the afternoon to see sum houses i did earlier and they were crap,yet i asked them 4 their money and to bear with me.STILL FEEL GUILTY.......cause if it was my house id say no pay.

Jeff Brimble

  • Posts: 4347
Re: reverse osmosis systems
« Reply #14 on: January 09, 2004, 11:34:45 am »
Just to complicate life for you further , There is hydrophobic and hydrophillic glass one hates water and beads and one loves water and sheets. "uuPvc" usually beads and causes spots and old fashioned windows, that have not been  polished will sheet and dry great also old leaded lights. Look for the ones it will work on. and windows that are just that bit higher that the compettitors dont want. And take your time do not go round all your customers in one go they need to be educated over a six months   and so do you , persevere.


  • Posts: 1394
Re: reverse osmosis systems
« Reply #15 on: January 09, 2004, 12:14:57 pm »
Just to complicate life for you further , There is hydrophobic and hydrophillic glass

Hi Jeff

That's a really interesting point and the first time I know of that anyone has confirmed that there are different types of glass.

I've had a couple of customers who have complained that results have been inconsistent and the one in particular has insisted it must be different types of glass. Is there a way of telling them apart?



Peter Fogwill

  • Posts: 1415
Re: reverse osmosis systems
« Reply #16 on: January 09, 2004, 12:57:44 pm »
Just to complicate life for you further , There is hydrophobic and hydrophillic glass one hates water and beads and one loves water and sheets. "uuPvc" usually beads and causes spots and old fashioned windows, that have not been  polished will sheet and dry great also old leaded lights. Look for the ones it will work on. and windows that are just that bit higher that the compettitors dont want. And take your time do not go round all your customers in one go they need to be educated over a six months   and so do you , persevere.

Hi Jeff hows it going?

The windows that bead will come up perfect as well in most cases, it just takes a little more water, and time on the glass. Dont you find this?



Re: reverse osmosis systems
« Reply #17 on: January 09, 2004, 03:20:22 pm »
Jeff Brimble -

Please could you tell me about your back-pack system?  I have been thinking about designing one for myself, but have hit a number of snags.  

Do you use a pressure sprayer, or pump-driven system?
Do you have you're own water purifyer?
How much water do you use in an average day?

Anything you could tell me about it would be a great help!



Jeff Brimble

  • Posts: 4347
Re: reverse osmosis systems
« Reply #18 on: January 09, 2004, 11:44:14 pm »
Peter, New to this group, not sur how to reply to your Blue shaded background message just getting over terrible flu.
Silly, Backpack, its what I have always used, tried putting it on various types of wheels but in domestic situation they just slow me down and get dirty. Dont think that many others have made their own, OTT wont make one cause of health and safety issues.
Mine is an 8 litre container above the smallest Flo Jet  powered by a 12v Clulite sealed rechargeable battery like you find in the big handlamps, strapped  on an ex army alloy "radio/difficult load" carrier. Its about the same weight as a pair of alloy ladders.
I use a domestic 3 stage RO unit that tap pressure slowly fills into a  storage tank, then I tap off into plastic 5 gall contaimers and carry 2 around with me which last about a day. As i am am really careful with my water and switch off between windows if they are far apart.
Peter yes you can get acceptable results with more water, just that rookies expect "everything now" and are impatient if they can find some windows that sheet then at least they dont pack in before they have started ?
Jeff Brimble