Neil i have been going in carpet cleaning about 16 months and am doing fine but like many new starters my marketing costs are high and this is an irritation and no more.
I leaflet in areas other carpet cleaners live, i advertise in local papers where local carpet cleaners live some i consider friends, one i do not,but if any of them claimed they were living in the same street as me to gain business that in my view is wrong, the principal is the same, in my view
I hope google catches up with him
I think google maps thing is a step further than area codes it shows a ficticious address claiming to be the business address of the company in question but thats just my opinion, leaflets coming through my door etc thats marketing, i am not saying i am right its just my viewpoint, if i am wrong where does it stop where do you draw the line to get a job, make up a story about the local competition having a criminal record and a danger to the community an exaggeration i know but the point is, is when do you decide that ethics prevent you from lying to get a job.