right will explain why i think its wintecs,
i used my card on friday for 179 at wintecs, this is fine, at the same time i used the card at wintecs a payment for 179 went to the same company what is trying to get the 2 x 90 and 2 x 95 out of my bank, the bank told me where the second 179 went and it went to the same company that the others have gone to, the fraud ones, the bank told be it was probably from there web site, as that is when it all started
have spoke to a few wc who use wintecs and a few have had problems, when paying by card
i was just trying to warn people
i know some one who was ripped off by 500 after using wintecs and they told wintecs and they didnt seem to do any thing about, i know they probably aint lying as they are all JW, as wintecs and these all go the same church