Cheers Phil
I was supposed to be going to keep the lady company downstairs and I'm glad I didn't.
That seals it. What has been on my mind for some time now.
I have spoken to many window cleaners wjo have taken on people, expanded and gotten a really big business...that they hated!
Only to go back to working alone, even for less money. Remembering why it was they chose window cleaning in the first place - the stress free life.
I love what I do and the 3 of us have a great time when we are working. I now spend one day a week doing paperwork indoors and the organising and I hate doing it. The reason for all that - tomorrows business.... next week and lately, next months.......
Before it was a few phone calls each evening for the next day's work.
Cheers again.
Hi Dave
This has been gone through time and time again. The H & S cannot 'just' introduce anything that is not legislation. It takes years to change things.
The only way to tighten now is to issue a virtual ban for window cleaners.
Don't think so somehow. Be real. Do you think things really work that way? If they did, then why havn't ladders been banned in WAHD then? They had the opportunity didn't they so why didn't they ban them. That fact must surely be worth thinking about.