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  • Posts: 1483
Quite a clever idea
« on: September 28, 2010, 11:54:29 am »
Whilst reading the Plymouth Herald yesterday, our local daily paper, a Plymouth window cleaning company have put an ad in it allowing readers to save tokens and receive a free clean; a bit like the Sun's readers holidays I guess.

Now, having thought about it for a while I reckon they've been quite clever.

Okay, the herald covers a lot of areas in Plymouth so the cleaning requests may come from a wide area, and they may end up cleaning for free for longer than they'd hoped, but they could well end up securing a lot of extra, regular customers for when the offer ends.

To be honest I wished I'd thought of it - perhaps it'll work for carpet cleaning ;)
Come and talk dirty to us!!!


Re: Quite a clever idea New
« Reply #1 on: September 28, 2010, 12:08:27 pm »
Im not really sure if that works, I worked for a newspaper for 4 years, and we had reader offers/promotions like that etc.  Not sure how many people would take it up.  Think you may have longevity issues there.  Dependent on terms and conditions also.  I think for some things it does work, holidays, food outlets etc.  Im not sure if it would work for this industry.