Appreciate the positive comment Ian.
Mike, I have had words with Shaun and he is going to post some generic risk assessments up. *** Caution*** Even if you produce one to support a tender or quote you or your Team Leader should review it when they start the job (things change) then run through any non-standard stuff with the staff.
It sounds a faff on but we once got penalised at an ET (employment tribunal) for not having a record of 'training' someone to put rubber gloves on! I kid you not. Also it will get you positive comments from customers who this is important to. We find what we call SHEQ (health and safety, quality and environmental considerations) are a major driver in our business i.e. it makes good business sense and differenciates you from Joe-the-Cleaner down the road.
This thread has brought to mind 'Tool Box' training records. Basically just think of all the times you have told someone how to do something. All this is is a simple record of what you have 'trained' them in and you sign it and they sign it. Again lots of paper but all you do is pop it into their personnel file and if the proverbial ever hits the fan you can demonstrate what a caring employer you are. We use little triplicate books but hey-ho a simple copied sheet will do as long as it has both signatures on. If you've e-mailed Shaun I will get him to send you a copy to rip off. It's nothing flash :-) Phil D