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  • Posts: 187
Anybody else in BNI ?
« on: September 17, 2005, 03:23:26 pm »
Just wondering if anybody else on here is in their local BNI chapter ? I have been a member for about 6 months but it hasn't really generated the business I was hoping for so I am curious to learn about other peoples experiences.

If you don't know what BNI is have a look at and/or

In simple terms its a business referral/networking group. Meet once a week, membership restricted to 1 per category ie no other cleaning company can join my group. We have a wide range of businesses represented - solicitor, financial adviser, accountant, computer networks, printer, letting agent. During the week you listen out for sales opportunities for your fellow members and they do the same for you. So in effect you have a 'salesforce' of about 20 people camapaigning on your behalf



  • Posts: 217
Re: Anybody else in BNI ?
« Reply #1 on: September 17, 2005, 04:28:45 pm »


We joined two at the sametime, but left both after 6 months. Yes we'd paid up but thought about the breakfast and the travel, and the cost of your own time.

BNI is a con. All this about millions in passed business, how do they measure it, referrals to us where no more than quotes, and the people we did clean, you could tell that in general they did not spend money on their homes.

The same people who do the get the best out of it are, accountants, solicitors, mortgage brokers, because they all pee in the same pot.

I complained to the local chapter director, as it should be called the Business Headworking Institute. Avoid all the others as well, Breakfast For Business, Business After Hours, Speed Networking there run by people who like to feel important.



Just a cleaner.

  • Posts: 47
Re: Anybody else in BNI ?
« Reply #2 on: September 17, 2005, 04:55:20 pm »
You'd be better of joining your local small business club and enjoying nice social evenings with other business people in your area.  Once they got to know you they would probably use you or refer you to other businesses or friends.

When all the trees have been felled, and all the rivers are poisoned, we will dicover that we can't eat money.


  • Posts: 26
Re: Anybody else in BNI ?
« Reply #3 on: September 21, 2005, 05:17:24 pm »
Hi I too joined the bni but left after a while i found it a bit clicky and although I seemed to get referrals for other people nobody seemed to return the favour, dont know about  anybody else but i got feed up with doing the 60 second speech every week, I mean what can you say differently about cleaning avery week?


  • Posts: 15
Re: Anybody else in BNI ?
« Reply #4 on: September 22, 2005, 08:56:04 am »
Hi Mick

Bni is not for cleaning companies, we got talked into it and it was a waste of money. When you pay the cost of the fee up front and then the breakfast every week it came to around £1000.

You had to get up and say the same old thing  every week, i missed two weeks and got told off, i thought i was back at school.

The other members i found give you referrals only to find the person would not answer the phone on the message they gave you. It works for some companies not cleaning.

All networking systems are almost the same, there are fees and breakfast meetings.

Your wasting your time.

Eugene McMenamin

poles apart

  • Posts: 664
Re: Anybody else in BNI ?
« Reply #5 on: September 28, 2005, 09:07:53 am »
Hi Mick

I have to disagree with the previous postings as I've been in my local BNI chapter for over a year and it definitely works! It all depends on your chapter and how it's run, visit others to see which one is best. I've had plenty of work which has paid my membership many times over. It now costs £500 per annum which is nothing compared to a Yellow pages or newspaper ad. We've got a good mix of trades which is what is needed for a succesful chapter. Stick at it and invite different trades and you'll soon be busy. Remember it doesn't happen overnight :)



  • Posts: 20
Re: Anybody else in BNI ?
« Reply #6 on: September 28, 2005, 02:19:19 pm »
I am a member in one of the chapter in London, on which i joined about 3 months ago.
Though, we have recently lunched our chapter but, with the situation of things i think am very afraid.


  • Posts: 20
Re: Anybody else in BNI ?
« Reply #7 on: October 26, 2005, 09:10:46 pm »
I have been a member in Cheltenham for a year and about to renew.  My oven cleaning business has been fantastically received by fellow members and I have more than quadrupled  ;D what I have paid into it.  On the other hand, Yellow
Pages and Thompson, although had a bit of business from them I will almost
certainly not get the money back.  I will definitely be cutting back my ads in those
next print but WILL be renewing my BNI membership. It has not only been
direct referrals but also, for instance, someone who an Independent Financial Advisor who has a client who runs a pub/restaurant (yes I do commercial as well).

I think a lot of it really depends on the Leadership Team and definitely the

Kelvin of Cookerburra

The Great One

  • Posts: 12673
Re: Anybody else in BNI ?
« Reply #8 on: October 26, 2005, 10:15:49 pm »

I went to the local brighton one and made a little bit but could not justify the cost £500 + £8 p/w for breakfasts.

Also getting up some obscence hour to talk. You best client there will be the letting agent, but now you know him you can go to see him personally.


Martin 8)


  • Posts: 20
Re: Anybody else in BNI ?
« Reply #9 on: October 26, 2005, 10:52:34 pm »
We have and have had no direct referrals from him about lets, but cleaned personals ovens from his brother and mother in law!

As a relatively low cost business, it will take time to recoup investment, for instance a builder can do that in one job  (I wish!) But if things are not happenning for you, get around to other chapters in your area, see what
is happening there, dont worry about solicitors/accountants etc, they
are in a different league.    A lot of it is really down to the personnel.
Make your 60 seconds humourous (one in Cheltenham restricts it to less as they have so many members!). It IS NOT for everyone.   But the statement
elsewhere that it is not for Cleaning companies is incorrect.  You need to
sell yourself. 

I made a hash of a 60 secs once...drink the night before!! But it made
everyone laugh at 0750 in the morning!!!!
