Hi guys,
Thought I'd just respond to the comments so far...
it still needs to be clamped on which is why i still wont buy it
The reason why it's clamped on is because clamping it onto the pole is the most secure way of fixing it. We're confident that the screw thread adapter will be fine, but some people may want to remove it and clamp it directly to their pole anyway. If you really don't want to, you could glue the new screw thread adapter into the Aqua-dapter, but we don't want to do that at the moment, as it makes it less versatile.
Clamping is still the recommended way of attaching it to your pole, but this version has been specifically developed to cater for the those that are too reluctant to do it.
the mk1 has only been launched month ago!
The company has been trading since April, and started selling online in June. It's the new website that's only a month old.
the buyers of the mk1 have been field testers.
We've responded to the feedback we've received, that's true, but the product was in development for approx 2 years and field tested for about a year before release.
It was designed as a
permanent pole upgrade. The thing is, when you're showing someone the product and explaining it to them face-to-face, they're convinced very quickly, I was, it really is that good (IMO). Cutting the pole is the
easiest way of removing the screw thread, which is why that is what was suggested to begin with. We didn't realize the level of reluctance there would be, even though we've since explained in various places, including our FAQs that
you don't need to cut your pole.maybe they should have been offered more than a 20% discount for snapping one up so soon.
The customers who've already bought them are very happy with them, and I'm pretty sure that they won't be taking them off their poles, so I hope it won't make much difference to them. Those 'early-adopters' have had the benefit of using the product sooner and getting it for less.
I should'nt knock what I hav'nt tried but I'd be really disappointed if within a month of buying a mk1 you were to announce in a you tube video that had I waited a couple of weeks longer I need'nt have had to cut the end off what may have been a very expensive carbon fiber pole
As the guys over at WCR in the states say:
the poles have been cut before so don’t be too scared about cutting 3 more inches off your pole … if you just hate if for some bizarre reason you can take it off and put your old tip back on with a little bit of epoxy and you’re back to normal
It's in one of their recent (long) YT videos, 11 - 14 mins. Granted, they're selling it too, but they're
really enthusiastic about it when talking to us.
but we want to make sure we're happy with it first.
could have done that with the mk1
We did, we were, we still are happy with the "mk1". We're trying to respond to prospective customer's feedback. Those who have bought it obviously weren't
really against the idea of cutting their pole, or they wouldn't have purchased one in the first place.
I think this is bad pratice if you are trying to sell products on here pushing discounts on the mk1 then uploading a video of the mk2 4 days later!
I'm sincerely sorry you feel that way. The new version will cost more than the current version, which will still work just as well. If you want to use an Aqua-dapter and can remove the thread from your pole, or slide the Aqua-dapter over the screw thread, I
still think it's best to buy the current version for less.
I understand that you seem to think that we should have thought of *every* possible eventuality before the first version was released, but we are a small team, we don't have the resources of the larger companies that have been mentioned. We've just responded to the feedback we've received, and we're going to continue to try to improve the product. If you read all the comments from those who have bought, you'll see that we're doing our best to offer very good customer service too.
Can you pre purchase at the discount rate before the discount date expires, yet wait for the new modified version to be sent out instead of the original version
No, sorry. The new version will initially be a separate product on the website, available for pre-order in the next few days. If you order now, you'll get the mk1 version (usually next working day).
Phew! I'll have to reply to any further comments tomorrow, it's late!