hi carlm, this way may seem nuts but it works, right open a bank account put £500 in then after a few days borrow £500, they wount mind because they have security for the £500. Pay it back over the shorest installments time or as quick as poss, repeat same again at least 3 times but with higher amounts ,you can do this with 3 bank accounts all DR going around in a circle so to speak, so you feed one payment in to one bank and the rest feed them selfs by direct debit, these bank accounts are purly there to get your credit rating up you cant touch these for ANY reson,oh and when opening accounts rember to do them all on the same day before 12.00 so when your name appears on a credit searched only one name comes not 3. waring if you dip in to these and dont use purly to get your credit up in 6 months you will get in to bigger debt THIS IS VERY BAD ADVICE if you are a bad payer its just another opion you can give it a wide birth