Did my first bonnet clean today a large church hall with low profile carpet,thought i would experiment a bit with the rotary and cleaning solutions, I cleaned one half with M power at 80/1 and hot clear water in ringer bucket,and the other half with Fusion clean 25/1 in prespray and ringer bucket
First gave it a good vac north/south /east and west then presprayed and agitated with Envirodri with the stiffer white brushes, then bonnet to finish did the hall in four sections so the prespray was still wet when i came to bonnet.
The results were very good on both, hard to tell which was better, the Fusion clean had a reallty nice smell but visually they both gave good results, i spoke to Nick who mentioned soil retardancy qualities of Fusion clean, but have to balance this with the amount of chemical used, M Power was more economical and only had to use it in the prespray to get good results, overal i was shocked at how good the bonnet was at removing stains even oily tar, i did the same carpet last year with my Ninja and was on my hands and knees with the solvent but did not bother this time, the envirodri hepled i think.
The only down side was getting the hang of the Rotary when it goes left to right its easy but when it goes right to left it really pushes against you and is hard work, still i got the job done much quicker than the last time i did this carpet with HWE, i had the caretaker watching me dont know what he made of it all i did my best to look like i was in control but felt like it was going to drag me out of the door at any moment