Hi there, if you have a 500 psi pump made by Pumptec, and it is only losing pressure, it will probably not be a warranty issue, the only warranty issue with that problem will be if one of the one valves internally have cracked, but they rectified this by putting stainless steel ones in since 1990. All the seals and o rings are not covered under warranty, More likely problem for pressure loss can be a combination of things, first to check, is your stainer check valves, these are located inside youe wand jets, the screen on your clean water filter in side the clean water tank, some powders clogg and restrict the water flow.
Check all your pipes to make sure you are not getting air into the system.
Now this are the things that do not cost.
In least expensive order
Change your pressure bypass piston, which is located inside your pressure bypass valve, if you have never done this before, take note of how is comes out, better still use your mobile to take pictures so you know where everything goes back
Then if that does not sort out the problem, you need to change the pistion seals, located inside your pump head, I would normally recommend a head replacement, because they are aliminium pump heads, and when they are dismantled they can be warped and may not go back together the same way they came apart.
Good luck