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To be honest Ross, the rope isn't under much stress.Ladders aren't really heavy, and they're sat on grippy bars.I drove for 3 miles once, at up to 60mph (including stopping and roundabouts) and found I hadn't tied them on at all!
The bungees were hanging down the sides of the van so an arguement started as to who was responsible.Problem was we only had one set of ladders.A few days latter and a new ladder plus ladder clamps and the same thing happened again except this time we were doing 80 or 90 when the ladder separated itself from the roof rack. The clamps were still undone and one of them had vannished also.A few days later and ladder number 3, this time secured with bungees again and the same bit off road, the whole roof rack came off one side complete with the guttering. We stopped with the roof rack at 90 degrees to the roof.Those were the days... £100 for a van from the auction but we were happy......Cheers