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  • Posts: 3873
Re: is there any phone i can use george on ?
« Reply #20 on: July 27, 2010, 05:22:31 pm »
Buy a cheap Palm, then download pocket george. Why anyone would want to spend time printing worksheets is beyond me. ???
my thoughts exactly Bob  ;)
shame I have a pc wired up to my tv really, had I ai laptop in the first place I could have taken it with me when I needed to, ahhh well lesson learnt for next time I buy a computer but a cheap palm sounds like the solution I'm looking for, thankyou
Hi, I have a palm m130 that I used to use with George has a  docking cradle for your pc so you can hotsync at the end of the day can have it for £20 plus delivery if you want.

M Henderson

Re: is there any phone i can use george on ?
« Reply #21 on: July 27, 2010, 10:45:52 pm »
I don't print anything either.
I just have George on my laptop which I fill in when I get home, or if it's a day that I might need some reminding on I take it with me.
What could be simpler...?

I know what you mean - once you know your work it's all in your head anyway.

I print the list off anyway just in case I need to jot anything down and so that I can show it to the customer if need be (eg. Last cleaned date when they say ' has a month passed already' - makes you look more organised in front of the customer if they see you have records and you can show them printed how much they owe you.

I'm a bit extreme I guess, but the way I look at it is that during the 5 hours I dedicate to window cleaning each morning every minute counts.

Put it this way, if you have a target of minimum £30 an hour then to acheive that target every minute is worth at least 50 pence. 

If I you have 15 jobs worth £10 each then you can do £150 in a 5 hour morning, but you can only spend a maximum of 20 minutes per job including collecting, few friendly words with the customer and moving between jobs.

If I spent 2 mins fiddling with my phone to update each job after completed then that would amount to 30 mins of my 'cleaning time' eaten up by the end of the morning. - put another way £15 of potential work not done.

I'd rather spend 5 mins with a pen and paper at the end of the morning and then spend 5 or 10 mins over a cup of tea in the evening updating on the computer, and printing off the sheet for the next day.

Each to their own and as Kate says everybody has their own ideas but in this game 'time is money'  -  or as I prefer to view it 'money is time.'